TEFL Dyslexia

Dyslexia causes difficulties in many specific areas of learning. It generally affects reading, writing and spelling and can also influence math skills. The problem with this condition is that it is hard to define. It often overlaps with other types of specific learning difficulties that can also affect spoken language and motor skills.

The condition Dyslexia is a very prevalent all over the world. It is becoming more and more understood. What is agreed upon by the scientific community is that dyslexic people tend to process information in a different way than the rest of the population.

Evaluating who is dyslexic is very difficult. Defining dyslexia is very tricky, the difficulties associated with the disability range from mild, to moderate, to severe. It is not easy to determine how many people may actually have the affliction. Some estimates done in the United Kingdom suggest that 2 to 4% of 10 year olds have a serious form of the affliction. Many experts concur that 6% have milder dyslexic problems. In the U.S.A A survey was conducted in the mid 80?s and still proceeding today. What was found was that 20% of the American population children and adults might have a degree of dyslexia from mild to severe, with 4% categorized in the very severe range.

People who suffer from dyslexia are often times frustrated with an affliction they don?t realize they have or are able to recognize. Interestingly, a Texas study done in 1998 found out that 30% of the English speaking inmates were dyslexic.

Dyslexia may have genetic ties. Research has been done to conclude that families with a history of reading problems may account for some dyslexic related problems. Evidence is inconclusive, researchers seem to think dyslexia may be prevalent in chromosome 6 but the scientific community can?t seem to all come to terms on this research. Regardless of this fact it is important to identify whether dyslexia is the reason any individual may be having difficulties, especially of the learning variety.

It is reassuring to know that the majority of people afflicted with dyslexia can lead relatively normal if not normal lives. This is contingent on them receiving the help that they need. The disabilities is so common that the majority of, us more than likely live and work with dyslexic people without noticing anything out of the ordinary. Dyslexia does not affect intelligence and dyslexic people often excel in the visual arts and really any arena in life.

Scientific research has found that children who have phonetic problems also have problems reading. You must be able to make consistent connections from sound to letters. This is a major stumbling block for dyslexics. These findings have been inconclusive. It is agreed however that poor phonological skills are a precursor to the affliction dyslexia. Dyslexia may also be related to poor balance, clumsiness and poor athletic performance. In conclusion dyslexia is a mysterious, frustrating and very difficult to diagnose. If it is recognized early, an individual can lead a productive and fulfilling life. If it is not dealt with early on an individual could be in store for difficult times.


Author: David I. Rosenfeld

Date of post: 2007-04-18