Motivation in the Classroom ?Motivation can be induced

'Motivation can be induced artificially, but its effects then are temporary' (2). It is important for teachers to learn skills to motivate their class in ways that will move away from a 'temporary', to a lifelong or long term 'want' to learn. The International TEFL course as well as several others, suggest different ideas and methods of how best to use motivation in the classroom. Though there are different methods, the goal remains the same.

The International TEFL course teaches using the ESA method, (Engage, Study and Activate). This teaching method allows the students to quickly become accustomed to the teaching structure. Students know that out of each lesson they should expect a well organized, clear teaching point with plenty of engagement and activation with their peers. When teaching individual students, TEFL International suggest the following points for motivation: -Do not over-correct -Do not have the book open all the time -Be sensitive to your students -Respond to your students as individuals -Create a relaxed a supportive atmosphere -Praise and encourage -Focus on what is easy, not what is difficult -Explain your methods

Elizabeth Holmes believes that 'without motivated learners, you ability to deliver the curriculum effectively is impaired and children's social, emotional and psychological blocks to learning will dominate' (5). She suggests some simple ways to create motivation in the classroom that include creating a learning environment that is supportive and safe with rules and routines to name a few. The motivational conditions she names, the ESA method addresses. She also believes in creating 'cohesion among pupils' (5). She wants teachers to remember that students identify themselves as more than just a student in the classroom. They are also part of a family and friends unit. Good teachers will 'create learner centered classrooms with high levels of student involvement; and they make a special effort to connect classroom content to students' lives' (1). This is a critical point to incorporate when possible because it will keep students interested and eager to learn more, whether it is a group lesson or individual one. The TEFL course encourages this, because they want students to be able to use the new language they have learned in their everyday life. The TEFL course therefore encourages students to be life long learners through it's ESA method of teaching. Carole Ames 'notes that motivation to learn is characterized by long-term , quality involvement''(3).

Every teacher likes to give some form of reward to the class or an individual student who performs well. Cameron and Pierce 'provide important clarifications under which rewards produce positive or negative effects on intrinsic motivation' (4). This is information that would/should be interesting to all teachers.

TEFL's ESA method has the structure that allows teachers to clearly understand the different phases in the lesson yet have the flexibility after a teaching plan has been made to adapt, incorporate and be flexible once in the classroom. Motivating students comes from being well prepared and flexible. It is the small things that are easy for teachers to incorporate into their everyday lessons that make for the best motivators in the classroom. I would say, prepare, relax, teach and have fun in the classroom. If you are enjoying teaching your subject matter to your students, it is much more likely that your students will also be enjoying themselves and be eager and motivated to learn.

Works Cited

1.,8057,885852- ,00.html 2. 3. 4. 5.