Teaching Methods There are many different teaching

There are many different teaching methods that teachers all over the world use everyday. The type you use depends on the kind of person you are, what style fits you best, and what kind of students you are teaching. I am going to cover a few teaching styles ranging from very young learners to older learners, sharing the many methods that are in use today. The AudioLingualism method, is a style of teaching used in language instruction. It is based on behaviorist ideas, which states that certain living things, in this case humans, could be trained through a system of reinforcement. Correct use of a trait would receive positive feedback while incorrect use of that trait would receive negative feedback. Its exactly like Pavlov's study using dogs, every time the dogs would get food, he would ring a bell, so therefore, every time he rang the bell, the dogs mouth would start to salivate. A positive aspect of this method would be that it is easy to learn, very high student talk time, students would learn a large repertoire of vocabulary, with emphasis on pronunciation. A negative aspect would be the fact that it doesn't do so much for written or reading skills, or skills. I think this method would be best for a wide age group of learners, but especially young teenagers and older.

Suggestopedia is one of the teaching methods developed by Bulgarian psychologist Georgi Lozanov based on the study of Suggestology. The method has been used in different fields of studies, but mostly in the field of foreign languages learning. Lozanov claimed that by using this method you can teach languages approximately three to five times as quickly as conventional methods. In his opinion you can reduce affective filters by: re- creating conditions of a child being in it's mothers womb. Such as a safe, warm, environment with soft sofas, rhythmic music, and low lights. The teacher gives verbal input, so you learn as a 'sponge' soaking in all the information. Positive qualities of this method would be that you can self study, and be totally relaxed while learning. On the negative side the older you were, the more of an affective filter you would have, thinking this was a strange method. However, this learning method has not been proven scientifically and is impossible to verify in the absence of a scientific benchmark for learning speed using conventional methods. This method would be most affective for small children. Community Language Learning is a method where students work together in a group and figure out which aspects of language they want to learn or don't want to learn, which is then taught with the use of a facilitator. The conditions for interaction include being safe, equal respect to all students as well as facilitator, and privacy. Being student centered, allowing flexibility, and a high amount of student talk time, are all positives aspects. Learning the use of grammar and students being shy are both negatives of Community Language Learning. I think this method would be most useful for people who are older. They would get to work in groups together and decipher which parts of language would be most useful to them.

All in all, there are many teaching methods and teaching styles, so when picking which one is right for you stay within the guidelines of what works best for you, what kind of students you have, and what kind of learners they are. Students ages do play a role, so be mindful the age group you will be working with and pick a method accordingly.