Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Liuhe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Huanggang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Liuhe Zhen - Huanggang Shi
In this Summative Task i selected more than one subject but the subject what i will mention the most is about importance of playing games and activities while teaching something. Some students are shy,nervous,uncomfortable or have low motivation. They are prejudiced about the lessons.That's why the teacher should make feel them comfortable and should have a really good lesson plan that is less boring,more enjoyable and easy to understand the lesson. Learning Grammar is very painful to understand for the students.Simply put we need grammar to be able to speak. It’s true that you can get by with a lack of grammar up to a certain point and be understood. Grammar should start at a young age but it should be very simple to understand also the vocabulary needs to be simple so they can focus on the grammar they are learning, that creates different games and activities.Students always get excited in a movie lesson or activities.We can find or make our own videos about grammar and start to teach the grammar with more activities and prepare them for the hard subject of grammar so they can understand it easily and have fun in grammar lessons. For example building grammar practice into fun writing assignments or have “story time”,movie time,competition with tasks.At the same time it will more comfortable for joining the lesson for shy,nervous students.Teachers also need to adapt the language to the developmental level of the students and choose the activities to suit a variety of learning styles and multiple intelligences. Teaching vocabulary is one of the hardest subject.The common mistake is while teaching vocabulary is the hundreds of word homework.Teachers give students vocabulary homework for memorize them at home. There are over hundred words and that makes it very hard to remember it in the future. The students just memorize them for the lesson with no activity,no games.Vocabulary is the most important subject by learning English that's why it should be memorable.Games aid memorization. We need more activities and games to make it fun. Make group works for example give your students a few items of vocabulary and tell them to find the meaning, pronunciation and write an example sentence with the word in.They can then teach each other in groups or write fifty words and their meaning in different papers and mix them. Let the students match the vocabulary with the correct meaning. .Music has always been a great tool to help with memorization so make music days in vocabulary lessons.These activities also makes the teacher enjoyable for the students and they can be more comfortable while talking to teacher their problems about lessons. Learning vocabulary and grammar rules requires a lot of memory and it over overworks the logic part of the brain games will be helpful to keep the informations in the brain. Adult learners are more open to learning but they they may also have difficulty by learning some subjects.It doesn't mean that they can't play games while learning because of their age. That will be very wrong point to think like that. They will just have different activities and games that should be less childish.Short quick games can also be used with adult learners to warm them up after a long day at work,in short games are often welcomed by adult learners as they want to relax a little and prepare them to lesson more comfortable. Games and activities also help the students to have positive and enjoyable relationships in the classroom with group activities.Never forget that a good game is a great way of building friendships between people.They can help each other while learning or playing games.For example take time to pair up children who complement and can learn from each other.It'S important not always to put best friends together, as making new friends is all part of the game. So it's mostly in the teachers hand to be clear by teaching with more games and activities.Games create better class dynamics and make easy to understand the lesson,keep the informations in the brain.