Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Macheng KAifAqu? Are you interested in teaching English in Huanggang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Macheng KAifAqu - Huanggang Shi
Irrelevant to what level and ages we teach, one of the main tasks teachers carry out to a new class is possibly an assessment on the level of English the class is at and, more than likely with an adult class, who they will be interacting with and what medium they maybe using for English interaction. These assessments will allow teachers to understand the level the students are at, what kind of environment (airports, tourism, business centres) they are in, who they will be interacting with most (their managers, overseas English speakers) when using English and what kind of platforms (telephone, voicemail, messaging, email) they will be using. Now how important is grammar when using English in a business environment? This really depends on who they are dealing with and under what situation they are in. Grammar is important, however, one cannot and should not expect someone who has English as a second language to be able to use it to a near or native level. The most important factor is getting the message across, whether it is an email, voicemail, telephone call or face to face conversation, as long as the receiving party understands then there should not be any issues. However, this does not mean one cannot improve further which is why it is important for business users having the need to attend courses to improve their grammar to enable them to deliver the messages across that is hopefully more concise with less mistakes. Business English can come in different levels and although I have mentioned that getting the message across is suffice, this only applies to certain conversing 'platforms'. What if the business requires the individual to write a content in English that is a for a website? What if they are working in the marketing department and are about to publish an article about their company in English? This is not just about getting the message across but is also about the image and possibly the status of the company they are representing. One simply cannot overlook the importance of grammar when dealing with an audience who are not physically interacting with you. This is why it is important for a teacher to be able to assess and analyze the classes and individuals to consider on what methods should be used that encompasses the entirety of the class. Teachers need to be able to assess the classroom and be able to see the environment the individuals will be using English in. Will it be just writing emails, helping their management set up meetings, writing up reports and so on. Each will have their required level of grammar usage and it is up to the teachers to help them achieve what they believe will be needed. In general, grammar is important at all levels in any kind of environment but the depth and accuracy will very much depend on who the audience is and the level the student would like to see themselves associated with. Whilst it is important for teachers to assess, it is also important for students to assess the teachers value. For a teacher to have only been associated in a teaching environment, he or she may not be able to tackle the everyday tasks people face in a business orientated environment. For example, a non-business orientated teacher may think that a secretary, who will be sending out an email calendar invitation on behalf of the Senior Management to the CEO of another company, should have an exceptional level of English (especially in grammar) due to the seniority level he or she is dealing with. This, however, is a misconception on how high level or C Level people interact with more junior staff, especially to someone from a country where English is not a widely spoken language. Senior management are usually more forgiving and humble when it comes to these circumstances. Generally speaking, a teacher who has worked in a corporate environment would have more advantage to a teacher who has not as he or she will have encountered different situations that can be related within the usage of business English.