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Teach English in MachengmingshAn Shuiku - Huanggang Shi
Language games are useful in many ways. They encourage students to interact and communicate. They create a meaningful context for language use. They can help learners to practise pronunciation, develop vocabulary, extend their repertoire of communication and try to produce humour in the target language. For teachers and learners alike, games can bring a light relief and a change of pace to classes. Learners will get more out of language games if they can see the point of using them. We have to be prepared for different attitudes from learners. Some learners will find the idea of using games weird, at least until they can see for themselves the benefits they are deriving from them. Some learners may be unduly competitive, not wishing to lose face by getting things Wrong. Helping all learners to see that one of the intentions is to have some fun, and that they should not take mistakes or errors seriously, but use them as learning experiences. Different Games that can be played during classes can be : 1.Who am I? Choose a famous person, someone all of the learners are likely to have heard about. It is best if the person you choose is contemporary. Ask learners to try to find out who you are by asking you questions, with yes/no answers, such as, ‘are you male or female?’ ‘are you American?, 'are you a politician?’, and so on. Then put learners into small groups, and ask them to take turns in choosing the personality. 2.What's my line? This is similar to 'who am I? above, but focuses on particular job descriptions. Questions could include, 'is your work Outdoors or indoors?', 'do you work with computers?',' do you provide a service to people?', 'do you work with groups of people?' and so on. 3.Animal, vegetable or mineral. Everything except tree space can be regarded as one or more of these. Allow a maximum of 20 questions (say) with which learners can probe the identity of the animal (including humans), or plant or object you have chosen. Then, when learners have found out how the game works, divide them into groups, and get them to take turns picking the object. 4.Knockout quizzes. Prepare a series of cards, each with a short question written on one side of it, and the answer written on the other side. Divide learners into teams, and deal out so many cards to each team. Ask each team in turn to select a question to pose to another team. If the other team answers correctly, they score a point and it is then their turn to pose a question. If the team does not answer correctly, the team posing the question scores a point, and can pose another question. With more advanced learners, we can get them to prepare the questions instead it doing ourself. 5.Crosswords or word searches. We can get learners to devise these themselves. It is best to select a topic, such as food, or travel, or a particular building the learners all know. Then ask each group to exchange their crossword or word search with other groups. 6.Alphabetical circles. Choose a topic, for example, shopping. The first learner could say, 'I went to the shop and bought an apple.' The next could continue, 'I went to the shop and bought and apple and a banana.' Then could come carrots, dates, eggs, and so on. 7.First and last letters. For example, ask learners to call out the names of animals, where the next one starts with the letter that the last one finished with. Sequences, such as 'elephant, 'tiger, Rhinoceros, seal', could result. The same process can be used for all sorts of topics themes, including countries, capitals, cities, and so on. 8.Homophones. Draw a sketch of (say) a witch, and ask learners for another word (which) sounding the same as the word represented by the sketch, then get learners in groups to take turns doing the same thing. They will need plenty of thinking time! Games Engage People. Making learning fun, Motivates students and helps them pay attention and stay focused on the subject. One reason to promote educational games is to encourage students to learn outside of class. There is also evidence that games allow students to focus well enough to learn better.