Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Pengsi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Huanggang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Pengsi Zhen - Huanggang Shi
There are many things that an instructor must worry about when teaching: resources, student capabilities and attention, structure and content of lesson plans, and instructor strengths and weaknesses. However, one important consideration that is not always given the attention it deserves is cultural sensitivity. Cultural sensitivity is the realization and appreciation of norms within a group. For example, it is the cultural norm for US businessmen to shake hands and make eye-contact upon meeting. However, these cultural norms vary greatly and need to be considered when an instructor relocates to new country or region. There are many pressures that come into play when looking at cultural norms and teaching young learners. First, culture norms are typically dictated from authoritative persons or organizations within a group. Second, young learners are of confused by cultural norms and can misapply those norms. Third, young learners are highly impressionable and will often mimic those they see as leaders. Finally, failing to follow cultural norms can have a significant impact on an instructor’s effectiveness. Authorities. Cultural norms are often passed down within a group from an authoritative figure (such as a parent) or organization (such as a religious center). Young learners are being influenced all the time by these authorities to comply with cultural norms and an instructor’s insensitivity to these norms can offend, not only the young leaner's, but also those authoritative figures. This can lead to considerable conflict that can detract from the young learner’s studies. As such, the instructor should be aware of, and sensitive to, the cultural pressures that young learner is receiving from outside forces. Norm Confusion. Young learners can become rather confused when given distinct cultural norms. Young learners often struggle with context and switch back-and-forth between cultural norms in inappropriate settings. For example, a young learner who is taught non-standard cultural norms in a classroom could then take those norms and apply them – out of context – when interacting with friends or family outside of the classroom. This can lead to confusion and tension. Instructors need not shy away from teaching alternative cultural norms, however, they need to be sensitive not to impose other cultural norms on young learners. Impressionable Learners. An instructor who not attentive to the manner in which he or she uses non-standard cultural norms can lead a young learner to take on cultural norms that lead to unneeded or unintended stress in the young learner’s life. Often an instructor will not even realize how impressionable a young learner is to the idioms and mannerisms of the instructor. The young learner could parrot the actions of an instructor in an inappropriate manner to the detriment of the young learner. Instructor Effectiveness. An instructor who routinely insults or belittles a group’s cultural norms can lose effectiveness in his or her teaching. If an instructor offends a young learner, then that young learner could become defensive. Likewise, if the instructor offends the young learner’s authoritative figures (i.e., parents) there can be resistance from the authority figure in supporting the teaching efforts of the instructor. In conclusion, the it is important for instructors to consider the cultural norms of the group he or she wishes to instruct and to maintain a sensitivity to those norms and to the manner in which the instructor expresses or uses his or her own cultural norms. Failing to do so can lead to conflict, sometimes serious, that harms the young learner’s instructions rather than helps.