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Teach English in Qingshi Zhen - Huanggang Shi
Songs and chants are one of the primary methods through which students acquire their home language, there are songs and chants for daily activities, nursery rhymes etc, all are teaching the students vocabulary and language naturally. Those same types of songs can be used to teach English, just in a different way. It needs to be more structured with more support provided but they can be extremely useful in teaching new vocabulary and even grammar points. The following is a lesson plan, based around a song, intended for students in the 6-7-year-old range. It utilizes the Engage, Practice method and the learning point is to teach vocabulary concerning food. Do You like?........ Teacher: Jamie Smith Time: 45 minutes Date/Time 5/14/2020 12:30pm Class Level: Beginner/Elementary Rm. 3 Language point: Vocabulary concerning food, focused on fruit Learning Objectives: By the end of the lesson students will be able to recognize and name 12 different fruits and comment whether they like or dislike them. Teaching Materials Needed: Flashcards Personal Aims: Improve student participation during activities involving singing Anticipated problems for students: memorization of the new vocabulary Solution: 3x3 drilling and the use of actions to differentiate each word Anticipated problems for teacher: Keeping students engaged Solution: Maintain my enthusiasm, keep activities short with lots of movement Engage Phase: (5 minutes) Get the students thinking and talking in English by having a lighthearted discussion about our favorite foods, food we hate, what we just ate for lunch etc. Write any of the food they mention off to the side of the board, leaving the middle clear to display the flashcards and later play the game. Practice Phase: (40 minutes) Activity 1: Introduce food vocabulary using flashcards. Show each flashcard to the class and introduce the action for each word, (opening a banana, for banana, smelling something good, for orange etc.) chorally repeat the word using 3x3 drilling (10 minutes) Activity 2: Play Memory. Break class into two teams. Place all of the flashcards on the board in a grid for the memory game. (two sets of cards will be needed for the game.) One member from each team takes a turn coming up to the board and turning over two cards, the whole class repeats and does actions for the words that are chosen. If the student gets a match their team gets a point and has another turn. The game ends when all of the matches are found. (10 minutes) Activity 3: Show the song Do you Like Broccoli on the screen with subtitles. You may need to listen to it twice, have the whole class sing through the song on the last listen. (5 minutes) Activity 4: Put the students in pairs. The students are going to come up with their own odd food combination for the song, i.e Do you like apples? Yes I do…. Do you like soup? Yes I do…. Do you like apple soup? No I don’t! After giving an example the students will then create their own verse for the song in their pairs. Remind students to make use of the flashcards on the board and the words discussed in the beginning of the lesson, if they need some hints. The students will come together and share their song verse, the whole class sings though each pair’s verse. Once all of the groups have shared their verse if there is time left let them come up with new verses. (15 minutes)