Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in SAnhekou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Huanggang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in SAnhekou Zhen - Huanggang Shi
Why learning teaching skills are important? Well, on my own experience I would like to say that it doesn´t matter if you have a lot of information or even a lot of material to teach (in this case the English language) if you haven´t developed at least basic teaching elements you won´t be able at all to share your knowledge with others. I believe that it is really important for any kind of teachers, especially if you are teaching a foreign language to build rapport and get students´ confidence in a classroom. I understand that sometimes students will let you know a little bit more about their lives and that might be some kind of awkward and I also think they will really get to trust in you. We have in many ways the responsibility of students get to like the language and see how important it is for them to learn and develop good language skills if you think it this way; we´re talking about their lives and their future, have better job opportunities and a better income. All teachers must feel motivated when thinking about those students as children that grew up and became better persons. We must trust in hard-work, team-work and giving the best of us on every single action we take. Let´s take for example this course, I felt I was already an English teacher (good one, by the way) until I realized there were many things I still need to learn and develop. For example, grammar and vocabulary, which I think I´m still struggling with. I´m also committed to the fact that my listening skills are getting better day by day at current job. As we go through this reaching path, we should keep focusing on improving our teaching skills, find more and better tools to work with, use new techniques and top of the line technologies like computers, smart TV´s and all kind of devices that can help us get students engaged and enjoy every and each one of the classes they attend. I would like to finish with the idea that if you want to become a better teacher and keep your self up to date you should think about getting a better attitude to enjoy what you do and think that every new class you teach it´s a whole new opportunity to not just teach but pretty much to learn something from learners, if you think it that way you´ll see that it is a synergy of teaching and learning at the same time. So, next time we know about each other I hope I can be sending you a picture of me anywhere in Asia or some other foreign country, I want to travel around the world, get to know other countries and cultures, new people and do it along with my wife, take her to those beautiful places and do something for others like learning English language as a foreign language. That´s why I feel learning teaching skills are important for me, I know that by teaching English I will get to know young learners, business professionals, teenagers that are seeking to become better.