Teach English in LingxiAng Zhen - Huangshi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in LingxiAng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Huangshi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

A teacher is one of the most important role models for a student in any circumstance. This is especially true when discussing the acquisition of a second language. Whether the student be a child, a youth or an adult. This important role of teacher should not be taken lightly and an individual who begins their career as an English teacher should recognize that it will take commitment and hard work to become a great teacher. Although there are many aspects to a successful teacher, respect for the students is vital to the student-teacher relationship and creating a student-centered environment. Building these mutually respectful relationships will allow the student to relax and feel comfortable enough to take risks with their learning. Risk taking provides optimal success in the classroom. When a student feels respected and respects the teacher, much can be accomplished. Respect can grow from a couple of other traits that are valuable in a good teaching career. The teacher must be prepared and knowledgeable regarding the topic at hand. The teacher should be aware of various teaching techniques in order to be successful with a variety of students. They should also be willing to change the types of techniques occasionally. Especially if those techniques are not working well. The teacher should also be aware of the different language levels; so that a student is working within the proper level and is able to feel successful and at the same time is sufficiently challenged. Every good teacher requires resources. Whether the resources be colleagues, courses, textbooks or manuals. A good teaching career will develop as the result of continually learning new techniques and tricks of the trade. A great teacher is never too proud to learn something new. Once the teacher has a good grasp of teaching techniques, materials, resources and has established respect with the students it should be a natural progression to enjoy the students in the classroom. Teachers who have a genuine interest in their students are more likely to make respectful connections with the students and be able to provide meaningful lessons to those students. Interest is a great motivator for students. A teacher that takes the time to know their students, and modifies lessons to them, will be a more successful teacher. If a teacher is fully prepared, knows the material for the lesson and has a relationship with their students, they should feel comfortable with including flexibility in the lesson. For example, if a student provides an extending opportunity for discussion regarding a topic, and all the students are embracing this discussion, it should not be stopped but instead embraced as a great learning opportunity. The teacher should be able to eventually cover all the scheduled material without depriving the students of this great opportunity! Humor can also play a strong role in the successful teacher. A teacher that doesn’t take themselves too seriously is more likely to create a comfortable classroom environment. This is not to mean that the teacher is not serious about learning but that they can laugh at themselves and enjoy the relationships that have been built within the classroom environment. Comfortable students are more confident students. In conclusion, teaching should be a journey for both the student and the teacher. The best student-teacher relationships are those in which both parties respect one another and can learn and achieve together everyday. This is how you build a successful teaching career!