Teach English in Xingguo Zhen - Huangshi Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xingguo Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Huangshi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Grammar is the fundamental component of a language, on which all the other four skills are constructed. According to the compilations of world renowned dictionaries, it is defined as the study or use of the language rules or the whole system and structure of the language. Therefore, it refers to the correct and standard way of using a language. Although the role of grammar may commonly be controversial especially among native- and non-native speakers, and though there are other controversies among the non-native learners whether grammar is essential to learn the language or basically a waste of time causing delays, the advantages of practising grammar are doubtlessly incontrovertible. In this context, there are some factors playing a crucial role in learning and improving grammar. The difference in grammar skills between native and non-native speakers come into prominence as language acquisition and language learning. Children raised in their native land, for example, will acquire the language through a more subconscious way, which means without fully understanding the grammar rules. In such groups, language development will be literally natural since the learners are exposed to their native language in a natural communication environment. They learn the language mostly by imitating and so, basic grammar rules are also acquired by the same way. Learning English for a non-native speaker, on the other hand, might be much more complex. Since the learners may not find the appropriate language environment leading to a great deal of language exposure, grammar will be learned mostly by a conscious process like studying and learning the language rules. Even though learning all the grammar rules does not necessarily mean learning the foreign language as a whole, by means of supplementary approaches grammar will affect the learning quality of especially EFL learners positively. In other respects, it is still disputable especially among the adult learners as to whether grammar should be learned implicitly, acquired explicitly or should not be mentioned in language education at all, which seems in many respects almost impossible considering the structure of the language itself. With the help of the technological advancements, grammar learning tendencies of the students are changing and diversifying day by day. As most learners believe that understanding the language and expressing themselves in a way is more important than learning grammar rules blindly, they are in tendency to have ‘shortcuts’ with grammar and therefore become grammatically lazier. Justifiably, they may find some rules challenging and unnecessary. Even though all these ideological oppositions are strong arguments, the advantages of grammar practices within learning or acquiring a language can not be denied. In today’s highly competitive business or academic fields, every single qualification such as a good level of grammar will create a significant difference. In addition, because grammatical thinking help learners think logically and clearly, the produced language will be less chaotic and more accurate. Therefore, a proper grammar helps enhance accuracy in communication and being able to communicate accurately and effectively in target language cuts a path for the users in any field. Furthermore, once one gets a deeper understanding of grammar, reading and writing skills of the related person will soon develop accordingly. Since grammar helps with the cognitive organization and the structure, when learners understand the logic of these constructions and how to constitute a structure on their own, they will also attain a comprehension of already constituted texts. On the other hand, once the rules and exceptions are introduced, students go on with the activate phase using the related rules in their own examples. In other words, they go into action building their own perception of the language using the structural instructions. This activation for grammar subsequently allows learners’ writing skills to improve. As can be seen clearly, the influence of grammar in a language is a crystal-clear-fact, and so it is supposed to be kept up to date and improved regularly. The question as to how one can improve his grammar can be answered in several ways. First of all, besides enrolling in a language school or getting professional help from a tutor, it will be highly beneficial to have a thorough and reliable reference book to get help whenever one gets confused about any rules. There are also many extensive online sources for the learners to practise and improve grammar skills. Most of these web sites and applications consist of grammar games and exercises in order to make the studying much more enjoyable and persistent. Moreover, one of the most efficient way to improve grammar skills is writing. Students writing down their personal feelings or thoughts in the target language on a regular basis are claimed to express themselves much better. Another way of upgrading grammar skills is surely reading and imitating, in other words rephrasing what is read. One can find a wide range of novels, books, stories suitable for the related level and preferred genre. All these materials are in use both online and in bookstores, libraries or in second-hand booksellers. At this stage, a thesaurus will be considerably supportive while reading and will be an indirect source to help improve grammar. On the other hand, taking advantage of receptive skills will be as helpful to understand some fundamentals of the language. Watching films, TV-shows, documentaries in target language and paying attention to how other speakers talk will help learners construct even better sentences while expressing themselves. In conclusion, no matter what type of learning style it is, grammar is one of the most essential components to construct a language and an effective communication. Grammar skills are used in almost every aspects of life from educational and academical fields to business world or even as a social element in our daily life activities. Therefore, learners should focus on reviewing their grammar practices regularly. The more one builds on the knowledge he has and improves his grammar, the better and more efficient communication skills he will accomplish, which will in long term turn into life-sustaining gains.