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Teach English in Yangxin Yuanzhongchang - Huangshi Shi
We always talk about how important it is to build a healthy community of students in class. I understood that classroom management implies to a wide range of skills and techniques that teachers use to keep students organized, orderly, focused, attentive, on task, and academically productive during a class, also Classroom management encompasses all the strategies a teacher uses to organize and arrange students, learning materials, space, and use of classroom time to optimize the effectiveness of teaching and learning, but how would classroom effect teaching and learning? There are so many questions about classroom management. So I have my opinion and my experience about management. First, when you decide to teach students you should realize the fact, that at this moment you are a teacher and you have many responsibilities. A good teacher should define classroom rules, establish a routine (For example, if my students becomes stuck on an assignment, outline clear, I approved guidelines for seeking help in a timely way), consider a flexible seating arrangement (can facilitate teacher-child interaction what’s commonly seen in traditional, teacher-fronted settings) for example I always use low tables, it will help children, who do not seat well at desk all day long. On the other hand, teacher skills effective presentation is really important. There are three principles on the expectation of teacher’s content: • Knowledge - The teacher would understand major assumptions and concept. • Disposition - The teacher realizes that subject matter knowledge is not a fixed body and always try to keep abreast of new ideas and understandings in the field. • Performances - The teacher effectively uses multiple representations and explanations of disciplinary concepts Effective teachers don’t set limits on their students. They have high standards, they consistently challenge students to do their best, and they are caring professionals who teach students to believe in themselves. Grouping students is important. There are so many ways to do this, but my favorite is pair work, maybe you ask me: why pair work? My answer is that the students have safe environment and they can fix own ideas, also they can share their thoughts, allow stronger students help weaker ones. When I am teaching students I always try to use eye contact to indicate who is to speak, to check that everybody is participating. Also I try make correct gesture (helps me to manage the class, to add visual interest) and the voice (the greater the variation of the voice, the greater the effectiveness). When I am giving an instruction I need students’ attention and make sure everybody is listening and working. There is other aspects teacher talking time and student talking time. A teacher should keep on balance and make sure to use right gestures and carefully choose language for explanation. I always try moderating language according to the level I am teaching, to give instruction, in order to let students feel comfortable and confident, which provides successful outcome of an activity . One of the major problems could be discipline in class. How can you control behavior in a classroom without disrupting the lesson? The answer to this question is very complicated, because there is a list of the problems, which contains: • Family problem • Low self-esteem • Boredom • Lack of the respect of the teacher/student • Class size But we should not be afraid of this, because there are no unresolved problems. I always try to talk to my students privately and try to understand where a problem is. I never judge the student, I try to show him/her a good example. A good teacher does not wait for the problem to worsen. To sum up, classroom management is really difficult, but if you want to be a good teacher and a role model for learners you should realize that classroom management plays an important role on the way to productive teaching/learning.