Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Zonghe Nongchang? Are you interested in teaching English in Huangshi Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Zonghe Nongchang - Huangshi Shi
In my opinion I believe that no matter where Business English is taught it is wise to learn as much as possible about the culture of the country the teacher decides to teach in before going to the country of choice. This way it will allow the teacher to avoid any cultural misunderstandings and thus reduce the burden of culture shock. This could be through online research, word of mouth and also joining into foreign teacher communities within the intended country the teacher intends to carry out part of his or her career in. In terms of business materials, I also believe that it is necessary to find the relevant materials related to the course content that the teacher would like to cover for the lessons according to the client’s needs so that in essence the course is not only effective but comprehensive. Some materials maybe both authentic and non-authentic materials according to what the aims and objectives are of the clients. Books such as Longman, Oxford, Macmillan and Cengage could be used according to A teacher may need to change his or her role at different times depending on the situation and of course the teacher will need to prepare for this accordingly. Looking at what may be needed between listening, speaking, reading and writing and what kind of lesson structure the teacher may need to prepare such as straight arrow, boomerang or patchwork. A Business English teacher will also need to prepare any kind of speech theories into materials that the teacher deems most suitable for the given course and apply them accordingly. Even for Business English students there will need to be assessments to determine what level they are at such as elementary, pre-intermediate, intermediate, lower advanced, advanced and these should be done to determine what level the Business English students current English proficiency. One part of a Business English teachers job is to do a needs analysis to fully understand the students past learning experiences, how they use English in their jobs and of course what would be the best fit for them in terms of study areas. This will be needed to develop a syllabus for the Business English clients. Needs analysis combined with the language efficiency assessment tests and are I believe one of the best ways to truly understand any potential Business English clients. This way it can give Business English teachers a thorough understanding of both the client and syllabus that meets the client’s needs whether the syllabus is situational, functional, structural or learner-led. One of the important points to remember are diagnostic, progress, proficiency, placement, aptitude and achievement course assessments which all have their specific places and this will be a good record to have to go hand in hand with end of course evaluations, especially if it proves to be the Business English clients want to go on to prepare for examinations in Business English and for the teachers own critiquing of himself/herself in the preparation and conducting of the Business English course. I am of the firm opinion that political and social opinions shouldn't be expressed to clients either in the lessons or outside.