Teach English in Baimiaozi Zhen - Huhehaote Shi — Hohhot

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Baimiaozi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Huhehaote Shi — Hohhot? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

The teacher's ability to develop student-student and teacher-student rapport, utilize the various teacher roles appropriately, and effective classroom arrangement will dictate a teacher's ability to manage a class. The critical elements of establishing good rapport are successful communication techniques, individual attention given to students and responding to discipline issues effectively. Teachers must be aware of their different roles and when to take on these roles based on the planned activities. Another element that must be deliberated and scrutinized when analyzing classroom management is classroom arrangement which encompasses seating arrangement and teacher's positioning for a wide range of activities. The teacher has a difficult and challenging responsibility of considering all these aspects for each class to manage and maintain a healthy, safe, and respectful learning atmosphere. When contemplating and discussing the various ways to manage a classroom, a teacher must identify the characteristic qualities of a good learner. A good learner is motivated to listen, learn, and experiment with language; without fear or hesitation of making mistakes and asking questions. It is the teacher's responsibility to build trust, respect, and safe environment to allow the good learners to flourish and encourage the other learners to develop the qualities of a good learner. The initial step a teacher can take to build good rapport is by getting to know the students through ice-breaker activities. The simple fact of knowing the students' names will help the teacher to involve the students equally. The teacher must use simple language, consistent set of instructive vocabulary, and visual aid to get their attention and ensure the students understand. If the activity requires student talking time, the teacher should provide each student with equal attention and opportunity to speak/participate. The teacher must not interact only with the stronger or weaker students, limit how much a student hogs a teacher's attention, and not force shy students to contribute. When behavioural issues or problems arise amid an activity, the teacher does not respond in an emotionally and irrationally way because it will diminish the students' respect for the teacher. It is essential that the teacher reacts quickly, in an appropriate way, and takes all precaution to resolve the issue without humiliating the students. The teacher prevents behavioural issues and various problems by establishing a respectful relationship with the students, conducting in a professional and friendly manner, and providing clear instructs for activities that hold their attention. The teacher has to take on many roles and taking on these roles at the appropriate time will determine how productively and efficiently the teacher can manage the class. An example of some roles that require more teacher-centred and involvement are controller and organizer. The controller role requires a confident and charismatic teacher because the teacher leads the activities and is at the centre of attention. As the organizer, the teacher must be confident enough to real the class back from chaotic moments and to run each activity smoothly. In some circumstances, students only need gentle guidance, and the teacher may take on the role of a prompter and tutor. It is the teacher's responsibility as the prompter to steer them back to the point or towards the right direction. The appropriate amount of prompting will lead the students to the point or answer feeling confident without losing self-motivation. The teacher's role as a tutor is to encourage and build the students' self-confidence when they are working alone on a task. The facilitator and monitor roles allow the teacher to take a step back and let the students work on the task or activity at hand without intervening and hovering over. A good teacher will utilize these roles to encourage further, motivate and nurture the students in his or her classroom. The classroom arrangement and the teacher's position during a lesson can dramatically impact rapport, dynamic, and control a teacher has in the class. The seating arrangement and teacher's position should not remain static throughout a course, because it may not work for classes that vary in size and other factors. In a classroom of twenty-five or more students, orderly rows seating arrangement is the most appropriate because it is suitable for the space available and to maintain control over a large class. In a smaller class, both circular or separate tables are suitable seating arrangements to create an intimate learning atmosphere. The teacher has to negotiate, rearrange, and organize the classroom based on the lesson's objective and the various variables to maintain a healthy level of control over the class. The teacher must take into consideration his or her position in the classroom in different stages throughout a lesson. When a teacher stays seated, it communicates a lack of control and or confidence. If the teacher always stands and walks around, it comes off as overbearing and controlling, making the students uneasy and uncomfortable. The teacher should stand in front of the class when presenting language and giving instructions to communicate all the attention should be on them. The teacher should step back or stay seated when students are reading or engaged in Activate Stage. These slight shifts and arrangements profoundly impact the control, fluidity, and enjoyment of lesson. A teacher must take into consideration many factors when developing a healthy relationship with the students, handle the responsibilities/roles of being an ESL teacher, and make classroom arrangements based on a wide array of varieties. The students to flourish into good learners need a friendly, caring, and encouraging teacher who has a deep love or passion for his or her work. The teacher can significantly reduce the frequency of problems and disruptions if she or he develops a solid foundation of respect and rapport with the students. The students will take higher initiative for their learning process in a nurturing and well-organized learning environment.