Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xinyingzi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Huhehaote Shi — Hohhot? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Xinyingzi Zhen - Huhehaote Shi — Hohhot
Choosing course material is very important when preparing to teach English as a foreign language (EFL). This will be the core of the class and will dictate how effective the lessons will be. When choosing course material there are many things that should be considered in the process. Some of the considerations should be the different types of material that can be used, being open to more than one or two types of material, and how students respond to the course material. As a result of weighing these factors, a classroom can be more productive and even fun. There are many different types of material that can be used to teach an EFL course. While there are numerous types of materials that can be used; course books, worksheets, and audiovisual content are some good examples. Course books are probably the most familiar item on the list. In plenty of classrooms, course books are a staple for teaching lessons. Each teacher has his/her own view on using them. Sometimes these books can have more than just basic written content. There may also be DVDs, workbooks, or even teacher guides. The downside is that they may not include content that you want to cover or have enough detail of said content. It can also be boring to the students and/or cause a decline in motivation. Worksheets are another material that can be used efficiently in an EFL class. They are often fun and can be geared towards specific topics. Worksheets can be used in conjunction with course books to add more depth to the topic that is being covered. They can be used for students to work individually, in pairs or groups; making them ideal for different stages of classwork. They can help liven up a classroom and some also contain interactive material that can allow the entire class to be involved. Audiovisual is also a great tool that can used. The content can include slideshow presentations or tv shows and movies- whether in entirety or in short clips. In an EFL classroom, these can be especially good for transitioning into a discussion with analyzing the language or even introducing a new lesson as the target goal. Audiovisual content can even be found as an extension of course books. Course books, worksheets, and audiovisual material are all good examples of course material. They can be used individually or in conjunction to make the best of an EFL class. They each have something about them that makes them unique and efficient tools. When a teacher is deciding which course material to use in an EFL class, all types of course material should be considered. If teachers only consider one or two of the wide array of course material, the class or even the lessons can be limited. That is not to say that all course related material should be used. Some materials are not suitable for a certain teaching style. Some are too advanced for the level of the students. They each have their own uses, advantages and disadvantages; and knowing these can help make a better decision for the teacher as well as the students. Therefore, it is always a good idea for a teacher to consider all options available and what they can offer the EFL class and students. After course material is chosen, teachers still should consider how the class responds to the medium. Some types of materials can be received well, while others may not. It is up to the teacher to decide whether he/she thinks it is best to remove that type of course material. Some concepts, such as crossword puzzles, may be too difficult. That is not to say do away with crosswords all together. The level of difficulty may need to be reevaluated. Sometimes, it is the vocabulary that may have been overlooked in the pre-teaching process. Teachers should be open to reevaluate the course materials that thy are using. It may be removing, altering, or pre-teaching the course material, but a teacher should always consider the students when choosing and sticking with course materials. When considering and choosing course materials for an EFL class, there will always be many things to think about. Knowing the different types of course materials, being open to using them, and considering the students in the decision are just a few. To have an efficient and productive class, these few considerations are very important. Students are the priority and deciding on course material is a part of that.