Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Haotetaohainong Muchang? Are you interested in teaching English in Hulunbei'er Shi — Hulunbuir? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Haotetaohainong Muchang - Hulunbei'er Shi — Hulunbuir
SUMMATIVE TASK for TEFL course -- 500-100 word essay #18: English as a Global Language Increasingly, English is becoming a global language, used in many facets of society, heard and understood in many different cultures and countries. This spreading of the English language has both advantages and disadvantages for both native English speakers and for speakers of other mother tongues. English is rapidly spreading throughout the world. This can be advantageous for native speakers. A major advantage for native English speakers is that we can travel the world and nearly always be able to use our mother tongue in hotels, restaurants, tourist sites and other activities. Most people now speak a bit of English and the younger generations seem to know even more English. However easy this makes it for we native speakers, I believe it makes us lazy and it contributes to the stereotype that Brits and Americans are all monolingual. The fact that English has spread so far and wide is, I think, largely a function of the dominance of American movies and television and of British and American music. Beginning shortly after World War II, American and British popular culture took over Europe, and with that came the increasingly widespread growth of English as a second (or third) language. European young people, beginning in the 1950s, all listened to English language music and watched English language movies when they could. Perhaps this was seen as modern or cool, and this expanded and accelerated throughout the 1960s and 1970s. At the same time, many European schools began requiring the teaching of English in secondary schools. So that now, pretty much any European adult under age 50 has a pretty good basic knowledge of English. At the same time English was conquering popular culture, it began to be more and more prevalent in international business. Multinational companies began using English as the language of their business since they had offices in several countries around the world. Nowadays all multinational corporations use English as the language of business, regardless of where the office is located. Again, this is good for native speakers of English as Americans and Brits can move overseas to work in their companies’ offices in Amsterdam or Berlin or Hong Kong or Singapore and the language at work is English. But this also means there is a greater need for others to learn English. And so this is an advantage for teachers of English as a Foreign Language, as there will be more demand for classes and lessons. Politics and the world of international relations has also increasingly become the province of English as well. It has not developed as fast as has English in business and culture, but still there is a tendency in the direction of adopting English. We still have a need for translators at international summits and such but also many of the world’s leaders do know and understand a good bit of English and can converse it in. The increasingly widespread growth of English as a global language means that many languages are getting watered down with new English terms. In German for example, nearly every new word that refers to technology is an English word. The French have been more watchful and have created their own new French words rather than have their language get diluted (or dirtied?) with more and more English terms. The trend of English as a conquering language in business, popular culture and politics is not on the wane. I believe this trend will accelerate. As a sometimes lazy English speaker, this feels good but I know it is not.