Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hongyan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hulunbei'er Shi — Hulunbuir? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Hongyan Zhen - Hulunbei'er Shi — Hulunbuir
There is no doubt that English is the most widely spoken languages in the world. As someone among every four people in the world can communicate in English. The English language is the main language of international political gatherings, the official language of 58% of global organizations, the language of many international conferences, and the first trading language in technology, commercial, banking, and tourism. It is the language of most scientific research, references, and terminology. Also, it's the most used languages in the economy, finance and business, the majority of popular newspapers, TV shows, films, aviation, multinational companies, and foreign labor, and most of the materials on the Internet are in English. A global language is a language which is recognized in every country. It is a language used by all countries around the world, and it has a special place in society even in the presence of a mother tongue, such as becoming the official language of the state. It should be used as a medium of communication in government departments, courts, the media, and the education system. It is the language that has the advantage in teaching foreign languages, even if it is not the official language of the state. There are historical, political, commercial, cultural and technological reasons for choosing a language to be the main foreign language. When choosing a language, its availability varies according to the degree of readiness.The governments or foreign aid organizations provide financial support for the language education policy. They provide well-supported sources to help people communicate and learn the language via the media, libraries, schools, and higher education institutes. It provides an increasing number of qualified teachers to teach language along with books, tapes, computers, communication systems and all kinds of educational materials. What are the elements of the global language? There is a close relationship between language dominance and economic power - technological and cultural. This relationship will be evident when reviewing the history of the English language. Also, the syntactic properties of a language or the size of its vocabulary, or whether it was the language of great literary works in the past, or being the language of a great culture, or a great religion does not make it a universal language. The main reason that made some languages previously a universal language is the power of native speakers, especially politically and militarily. It also happened with ancient Greek, Portuguese and French. As these languages spread in the Middle East, America, and Africa. We can track the history of global languages by tracking the successful campaigns of its native soldiers and sailors. but the strong military is not the only reason for the spread of the international language. A country may have the military power to impose its language, but what helps it to preserve that language and works to spread it is its economic strength. The economic factor was the main factor in the 19th and 20th centuries in the spread of the English language supported by new communications technology such as phone, telegraph, and radio and promoted by the emergence of large multinational organizations. The United States and Britain support English language teaching and learning in all countries through their embassies, the British Council, and Fulbright scholarships. Where they distribute magazines, books, inviting seminars and conferences and setting up branches for language education institutes such as TESOL worldwide. The officials from American embassies visit ministries of education to encourage and support English language education in schools, setting up branches of non-native speakers of English such as TESOL Arabia, TESOL Egypt, Korea, TESOL Ukraine, and Tai TESOL. They hold annual conferences attended by English language professionals and instructors. United States and United Kingdom support the teaching of English and its use in all countries of the world. The United States and Britain aim to make English a medium of instruction in schools and universities. If a country wants to create a new organization, it should hire a spokesperson who can speak, read and write English like an expert. And the presence of foreigners in these organizations forces them to use the English language for correspondence, publications, meetings and conference sessions instead of the national language. In addition to the above, a European Union member state is required to write street names and signboards in non-English speaking countries such as Greece in the English language as well as the local language like Greek. Britain's colonial expansion created conditions for the global use of the English language. It moved the English language from its island to settlements all over the world. The English language grew and grew up with other languages, which made it a growing and hybrid language to meet cultural and communication needs. The expansion of the English language in the twentieth century is closely related to the United States, as a superpower has spread English as well as its economic, technological and cultural influence. The spread of the English language was accompanied by a decline in the importance of other languages such as French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic. There remain many questions that need to be answered, such as: Will the English language be converted to one world standard language? Will the demand for English in the world continue to rise? At the same current speed? Will there be another language that competes with English as a common language in the 21st century? Will satellite TV bring English to every home with this audiovisual culture? Will the English language continue to be associated with advanced technology? In the future? How will technology impact the future of global patterns of language use? Will the English language be a requirement for transferring the skills and technology needed for economic modernization? Will the Internet affect the global use of English?