Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jinhe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Hulunbei'er Shi — Hulunbuir? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Jinhe Zhen - Hulunbei'er Shi — Hulunbuir
We all know that motivation is one of the main keys of success. Every person striving for a goal must be patient in order to strive towards it daily. So, an important role is played by inner desire or let’s call it motivation. Of course, this also applies to studies. If a student has no motivation, it is almost impossible to make him study. At the same time, a teacher himself influences the creation and maintenance of student’s motivation quite strongly. Many people nowadays believe that the student should motivate himself to study and, if he does not have motivation, the teacher has no chance to help him almost at all. However, this is not really like that. On the contrary, in addition to explaining the material and checking assignments, the teacher’s work is partly in motivating his students. So, let’s talk about some of main the secrets of creating motivation for those who study English as the second language. Using these techniques, teacher could build the learning process efficiently and make it interesting enough so that the student will be always interested and encouraged in learning the language. First of all I’d like to talk about the defining student’s goals. It is a very important thing to do at the very beginning of studying and teaching. That’s why, in order to take the right and appropriate course, and not to make the student bored during the lessons, you need to define goals. Ask your student why he wants to learn English, where he will use it and how much time he has to learn the language. It is also very important to remind the student of his goal or goals from time to time. Together with identifying goals you definitely have to define level your pupils have before starting the course. Very often, students lose motivation, as the material which is given to them is very easy, they learn few new words and grammar that is too simple for their level, they do all the tasks without any errors and with making no effort. Or, on the contrary, students do not understand your instructions, make many mistakes and get tired very quickly. All this can be a signal that your student’s level of English is determined incorrectly by you. In order to prevent such situations, you can send tests to the student to determine the level. To help your students to determine their level you can recommend to pass some useful and popular tests like British Council or Cambridge English ones. It is necessary to choose a level of difficulty where the student will not cope with the tasks easily, but at the same time will be able to see his progress. The next point to pay attention to is the progress of the student and praising him for achievements. Praising is a very important tool for inspiring and encouraging your students while teaching them. It doesn’t mean that you have to compliment your pupils every single moment, but if you notice their obvious success or progress you should definitely praise them. It is also very important to talk with students about what they achieved, what they learned, linking achievements with his goal of learning the language. You can do this either at the end of each lesson, or at the end of the month, comparing their knowledge with the past month. The other thing you should never forget about is the fact that learning language is not only grammar or new words, but also texts, videos or listening. Of course, the student will lose motivation if you discuss topics with him that are not interesting to him. When choosing topics, try to choose what suits the student’s goals, interests, hobbies or work. Do not forget that your lessons should be not only informative and efficient but also interesting and sometimes even fun. So, together with using appropriate texts and audios you can also use different board games to maintain interest and motivation among students. The last but not the least thing I’d like to talk about is diversity of the goals you set for your students. You shouldn’t stick to the only one goal to achieve during the course. Once your student reaches the goal, praise him and set a new one. The new aim might be more difficult and challenging to make your student struggle reaching it. Thus, he will always be motivated to move forward and achieve success. You definitely should always remember that maintaining the student’s motivation is a question that must be always monitored by the teacher. And, of course, there are much more different tools of motivating which can be used when teaching students and teacher must choose some appropriate ways to motivate his students to inspire and encourage them and reach all the goals that has been set.