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Teach English in Tenihe Muchang - Hulunbei'er Shi — Hulunbuir
I think management in a class is extremely important. Most students and teachers overlook the importance of proper management in a class and don't even give it a second chance, however I'm going to state my opinion on why I think management in a class is so important. As a teacher your position in the class is very important, if you stand in front of the class it gives you a more dominant feel in the classroom and you have control of the class. If you walk through the class and you walk next to the students it will give off a more flexible, friendly and interactive vibe, while if you sit down it will give a relaxed and laid back vibe. The position of the students is also very important to manage in a class, for example if you seat the students in a horse shape around you it will help the students by encouraging them to speak more and improve their self confidence. Eye contact will also be a positive aspect as the students will be facing each other. In this position the students feel more comfortable and can start group conversations and discussions easily. If students are seated along the wall of the classroom then the students will have to turn to face to you in the front of the class. This would discourage students from looking at you and therefore the students will stop paying attention to you and they will start getting distracted by other things. That's why it's so important for the students to be facing you at all times. You as a teacher also need to manage your attitude and how the students perceive you. You need to lay down strict rules and guidelines that you should not break and you should enforce any punishments that you promise. You should never be late to any of your classes and should always be in class before the students to greet them as they come in, this will help build a positive image of you for the students. A good teacher should be strict but fair at all times. Another very important aspect of managing a class is managing the behavior in the class. Students should not be allowed to just sit anywhere they’d like in a classroom, if it's a big classroom with low number of students then the students should sit in front of the class. Those with impairments such as bad eyesight should also be given special positions in the class to facilitate their needs. Students that are unruly, don't listen and misbehave should not be seated together, they should be placed in a position where they won't be distracted and won't succumb to peer pressure. Peer pressure is an extremely big problem in our society nowadays and it will be a problem in most classes. There will be some students who will act out and misbehave to draw attention to themselves, however we as teachers need to try our best to handle the situation in a mature and effective manner. If students make mistakes or do something wrong we should not scold the students or get angry at them. Instead we should always try to encourage students and make them feel confident and happy. Our students should never feel shy or ashamed to ask or answer questions, they should always feel welcomed and motivated. That's just a brief description on why I think the management of a class is so important to a teacher and to the learners.