Teach English in BaijiA Zhen - Ji'an Shi

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From this Unit 'The future Tenses", I've learnt the usage of future tenses and when it should be used. Giving an example, future simple is used for prediction based on no present evidence such as using " I think it'll snow tomorrow." expresses a prediction without present evidence of the next day weather. Through the unit, I've realised how 'Going to' Future tense and 'The Present Continuous' tense are most frequently used in the daily life. The previous units "The Present Tense" and "The Past Tense" that I learnt has helped me alot as these tenses were similar. Giving an example, 'The Past Continuous", "The Present Continuous" and "The Future Continuous" shows similar form of a 'subject +....+ verb +ing'. From this unit it has made me confidence of the use of "The Future Tenses".