Teach English in Furong Zhen - Ji'an Shi

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This unit is about future “tenses”. After learning this unit, I understand more clearly about how to use 7 most common forms to express the future, which often made me confused in the past. I think most of students still feel very hard to use these tenses correctly, now I think I can help them. -Future simple: is used to express: + Future facts and certainties + Promises + Predictions based on no present evidence + Assumptions + Spontaneous decisions + Threats -Future continuos: is used to express: + Something will be in progress at a particular moment in the future + What we think or guess might be happening now (present prediciton) + Polite enquiries referring to other people’s plan, but not to influence the listener’s intentions + Future events which are fixd or decided (without suggesting personal intention) -Future perfect: is used to express something will have been done, completed or achieved by a certain time in the future. -Future perfect continuous is used to say how long something will have continued by a certain time. -Going to future is used to express: + Intentions + Predictions based on present evidence + Plans (decisions made before speaking) -Present simple: + To suggest a more formal situation + For timetables and schedules + To suggest a more impersonal tone (often implying an outside compulsion) -Present continuous + For definite arrangements + For decisions and plans without a time frame