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Teach English in Wangjia Zhen - Liaoyang Shi
It was very useful to see that writing skills is important enough to devote time during class. This is my natural bent as well, but I know that many teachers avoid it because they would rather lecture or see students more physically active through use of group games. Further, the Chinese parents of my students, question the validity of class time when there is much silence in the room. They prefer to hear their children loudly using their newfound English skills and presume that written work is more suitable to be done after dinner along with all other homework. I also appreciate how the text emphasized the need for good penmanship, even though that seems to be going out of fashion, across society in general. I believe that people who have good penmanship are looked upon more favorably than those with sloppy handwriting, and I have seen a correlation between good penmanship and time & money management skills. People with clean beautiful penmanship seem to be overall better organized in their life, and those with very poor penmanship seem to live a chaotic and poorly managed life. It was helpful to see that the ESA plan emphasizes that engage and activate stages do not focus upon nor penalize students for grammatical errors, but rather focus on fluency and production, and instead the accuracy aspect is contained within the study stage. This will be helpful to me as I plan activities around teaching the production level skills.