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Teach English in SAngzi Zhen - Loudi Shi
Classroom management is one of the most important aspects of teaching. This is because students need a learning friendly environment to feel safe, which makes the students more willing to actively participate and learn. This learning friendly environment can be achieved in many ways such as, how the teacher gives instructions, maintains discipline, establishes rapport, arranges the classroom, groups students together, the way they talk to the students and so on. I am only going to touch on a few of these topics that I think are the most important in managing a classroom. First, I want to talk about classroom arrangements, some might think that it’s not important, but it truly is. In a classroom it is important that all student can see the board from where they are seated as well as being able read the board from anywhere. With smaller groups when arranging the desks in traditional rows is okay but it is much more effective to use a circle or horseshoe shape. These shapes allow the student to collaborate with each other much more easily because they are facing one another. Whereas in a larger group it is much easier for movement in and around the class, if the desks are arranged in traditional rows. There is also a third option of putting students in small table groups but the trouble with that is, students would have to turn their bodies to see the board if it is positioned at the front of the class. In my own experience I prefer circle or horseshoe shaped desk arrangements because students feel more comfortable to talk and share with one another. It also creates a more inviting safe place for students to learn. Note, it is also important to keep in mind student’s nationalities and personalities. Therefore, arrange the desks where personalities and nationalities don’t clash and disrupt the other students in the classroom. Secondly, giving instructions to students is extremely important to classroom management because that’s how they know what to do. As a teacher it is necessary to be able to give clear concise instructions that students can understand and comprehend. Then in turn conduct and carry out the instructions that were given. With that said the teacher’s language should be consistent, using the same commands or directions each time when giving instructions. By doing this it is less likely for students to become confused because they are familiar with the language being used. If there are more than a couple instructions it is effective and efficient to write them on the board. The students then reference to the board rather than ask the teacher what to do next. This helps the flow of the lesson or activity go by much more smoothly. If there is lots of confusion after instruction is given it is exceedingly useful to demonstrate the instructions. This way there is less difficulty in comprehending the instructions and students know exactly what they need to do. Finally, it is always good to check for understanding of the activity before you let them do it. The better way to do this is ask questions about the assignment rather than just, do you understand. That way the teacher is genuinely seeing if the students understand the activity. I think that these two aspects within classroom management are highly important. Establishing rapport is also important but thought is always usually put into that. Whereas teachers put less effort into giving instructions and classroom arrangements because its seen as easy and simple. I think that a good teacher puts thought and attention into all aspects of classroom management evenly. Therefore, I think that knowing the students and what they respond to will inevitably help decide where they sit and how the class is arranged. As well as what the teacher needs to do to give instructions that the students understand. This way students are in a safe learning environment that they feel comfortable to share their ideas in.