Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Dongshe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Nantong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Dongshe Zhen - Nantong Shi
The classroom, the teacher and her students, that's where the magic happens. This is where the direction of the lives of all involved can turn for the better or for the worse. And it all comes down to the dynamics of that relationship between the teacher and the students. We can all remember our childhood at school or certain memories of it. More specifically, we can remember our teachers. We remember the angelic one who believed in us and made us feel wonderful even if we were not A+ students. We also remember the awful ones, those who scar our memories with horrible words and actions that hurt us emotionally and we may never recover from. I most definitely can remember at least one teacher in each of these categories, even their names, and faces. As a teacher, who shows up to class in terms of character is way more important than the skills we have. We can be masters of the subject matter but without the soft skills for knowing how to build relationships and trust with others, what good is our mastery. Motivation comes from the inside, there is no argument there. However, the right environment and the right cheerleaders along the way make a whole difference in a student's journey in class, and in life too. Their motivation for success can be fueled or drained and the teacher plays that critical role that determines which way they go. We need to remember that these young students will become adults and change the world in their own way. They will become parents or bosses or inventors and it is our responsibility to get them geared up with the right skill set. Even if the subject matter is the English language and that is the main focus of the class, still we can integrate so much empowerment, motivation, and inspiration through the lesson plans. It excites me to think of the limitless possibilities of designing a whole program to be taught across the span of a few months or the academic year. And to track the progress of these students in terms of self-confidence and personal growth as they improve their English language. So much can be done and the world would be a better place for it. Even introducing meditation as one of the exercises, and have them describe later verbally or in writing how they felt. That would teach them a tool to calm the mind, it would give them a channel to express and talk freely about their feelings and emotions and it would have them improve their vocabulary and grammar. I can’t wait to be in such a classroom! Michelle Pfeiffer comes to mind in the old movie Dangerous Minds. I always loved that role and ended up becoming a life coach partly because of it. I had the lucky chance to speak with an American teacher who loves to work at schools in low-income districts in Seattle. She said their motto is to make the school the best part of the student's day. How amazing and what an honorable and meaningful way to make a living. I only aspire to end up in such a setting.