Teach English in Lǚsigang Zhen - Nantong Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Lǚsigang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Nantong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

In my opinion, the teaching profession is of great importance, because in their hands are formal education and, therefore, the training of competent people that will represent future generations. A good teacher knows that he helps develop creative and intelligent people, but at the same time understand that that is a very big responsibility that you must assume before starting the process educational. Therefore, the teacher's task is particularly complex and committed. I understand that if the teacher has a deep initial preparation, making the most of it, you can achieve the development of skills, abilities and competences that will be of great help in your work in the classroom. However, despite all the academic preparation that exists before graduate, the knowledge acquired is not enough, in the classroom you can find diverse situations that the teacher has to solve and for which you probably have not received adequate academic preparation. This is the reason whereby the attitude of the teacher in the classroom along with the weaknesses and strengths that presents often play a decisive role both in their teaching and in the student learning. Therefore, to achieve a quality education, the teachers have to be as positive as possible, which implies free communication and based on mutual trust, a favorable and motivating work environment that allows each learner feels part of the educational process. In essence, it is essential that the teacher, in addition to knowing the subject he teaches (language), have the ability to direct the teaching-learning process of the foreign language; a full domain of your classroom; apply approaches, methods. Techniques and teaching procedures in your classroom according to the styles and strategies of student’s learning; Be familiar with linguistic concepts such as: intonation patterns, grammar hierarchy, evaluation and, within the latter concepts as important as validation and reliability. You must also know different techniques of working in groups, and managing terms of the profession such as: technique, homework, learning styles, interactive teaching, learning, cooperated learning, Role: function, (in this case of the teacher), interpretation, behavior that is expected of each one according to your social status. Professor: teacher, is who is professionally dedicated to teaching, well in a general or specialized in a certain area of knowledge. The teacher facilitates learning so that the student reaches it in the best possible way. Today one of the main tasks and functions of the teacher lies in supporting students to learn how to learn autonomously, through strategies applied to the use of resources and information available. The teacher has many functions such how: ethical and social functions: influence values, attitudes and behaviors. Gestor function: Manage learning your students in a more dynamic and significant way where you play an active role. Technical function: Incorporate properly the use and management of technological tools. Didactic function: allows a good pedagogical knowledge, knowing how to improve your own work. Interdisciplinary function: allows you to work with other professionals with educational links. The models to be followed by students are teachers, having good teachers is the most important element of an educational system to achieve progress in student learning the teacher has to work with his group as a team to become a true collective where the teacher himself would find an extra source of support. Emotionally positive personal relationships between teachers and students should be established, so that it can reign a pleasant atmosphere that contributes to the elevation of the quality and effectiveness of the classes. The teacher must possess the full domain of his subject, know and use methods for his teaching, love his profession and the students themselves. The teacher must have a clear diction and precise articulation, with intonations and inflections that kill the content of expression to establish communicative efficiency with the student. You must respect each and every one of your students, respect is the key to good relationships. The teacher who teaches the student must be aware that first, he must get to teach him to learn since this constitutes one of the fundamental objectives. The teacher has to work with his group as a team to become a true collective in an environment of relationships of mutual respect.