Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Nantongshifumingang Liangzhongchang? Are you interested in teaching English in Nantong Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Nantongshifumingang Liangzhongchang - Nantong Shi
All learners, regardless of ability, background, and in this case, language familiarity; deserve a learning environment where teaching and learning occur with effectiveness and synergy. Therefore, a student should be provided an environment that is conducive to achieving goals that have been established by an instructor and given equal opportunities for learning and growth. That being said, an area of struggle or concern for many teachers is one’s ability to manage a class (i.e. minimize behaviors, blurt outs, disruption, boredom, etc.) While not impossible, it does take practice and thought. In the following; I will discuss specific attributes of an effective classroom manager, will provide a rationale as to why a student might challenge one’s management, and will discuss methods/techniques one can consider implementing to ensure successful classroom management. It is my personal belief that a variety of components impact one’s ability to effectively manage a classroom. I believe that one’s ability to establish rapport with students, coupled with their ability to motivate, as well as provide meaningful lessons and activities that are leveled appropriately to meet a student’s need, all contribute to effective classroom management. It is my experience that a student, regardless of age/ability, will put forth more effort if they feel a connection to their instructor, while being provided opportunities for fun, meaningful learning. Therefore, a good classroom manager prioritizes learning student’s names (quickly) and works to connect with students, finding out personal areas of interests, to see what makes a student “tick.” In short, a student wants to be seen, heard and appreciated. Unit 5 reiterates this by providing a variety of methods a teacher can utilize to “grab” students. These include, but are not limited to, good eye contact, appropriate gestures, using a student’s name, and speaking in a manner that gains attention but that does not dominate a classroom. (ITTT Administration Team 2011) Even with effective management, instructors will encounter challenges. According to Unit 5, reasons for problem behavior include: issues at home, low self-esteem, boredom, peer pressure, lack of respect for the teacher/other students, and class size. (ITTT Administration Team 2011) Everyone has a story and everyone comes with areas of strength and struggle. One thing an educator needs to keep in mind with English language learners is that often times issues occur not from malice, but from frustration. For example, if a student refuses to use English during a class, an effective educator will determine the why. Is the student frustrated, is the current assignment too difficult, is the student helping a fellow classmate and therefore, relying on their native language? A good manager will be able to quickly identify the issue and should have an appropriate solution to diffuse the problem, which will allow the classroom environment to return to a learning environment. There are a variety of methods and techniques an effective classroom manager takes into consideration. A good classroom manager anticipates possible issues and devises a plan to either a). prevent said issues or b). deal with said issues effectively. Revisiting my theory that effective classroom managers establish a strong rapport with students; if an instructor knows their students they will know how to set up a classroom to promote learning (tables vs. rows, small group vs. whole group for example), will group students appropriately (what students work well together vs. what students prefer working alone, etc.) and will establish activities and lessons that incorporate a variety of learning, all that will alleviate problems/issues, unmotivated students and boredom. An effective classroom manager knows their students and how to encourage them. They know what lessons and activities will challenge and inspire, will organize a classroom to best support individual learners, and will have a plan in place should a problem arise. While effective classroom management comes naturally for some, for others it is a struggle. Regardless, an effective educator is aware that one’s classroom management is essential for student growth and success. Work Cited ITTT Administration Team (2011). Unit 5 Classroom Management. International TEFL and TESOL Training. February 18 2020. Retrieved from