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(From 49. How teachers can increase their confidence in the classroom) Teachers Can Increase Confidence by Considering Each Part of Their Lesson in Imaginative Depth There are those who are radiant confidence in front of an audience and there are those who remain uncomfortable. At the same time, most people who speak in front of an audience have had some form of initial anxiety or fear, no doubt. In fact, it is difficult to imagine a skilled public speaker that has never had any concerns about how an audience might respond. After all, the goal of a public speaker is to receive a good response from an audience, and a public speaker must be concerned with success in some manner in order to succeed on a regular basis. While there are many ways to approach the discomfort a teacher may have in regard to leading a class, one of the best ways to do so is to think about what might occur in the class beforehand. The beginning ESL teacher will likely use some sort of ESA structure in addressing their class. So, one of the best things the teacher can do to improve their confidence before the class is to go over in imaginative depth what might occur in each stage of the ESA structure they have planned for the class. The teacher begins with the Engage phase. In fact, this may be where the teacher feels the most worried. How will the students respond as the class begins? What will the teacher convey as an individual? In the Engage phase, however, the teacher should not mull over to too much of an extent how students might respond to the teacher personally. Instead, the teacher should focus on what will draw the students in. How to make this part of the lesson engaging for the students? If the teacher considers and focuses on the goal of engagement of this part of the section, the teacher will be able to build confidence by making the lesson strong in regard. Furthermore, the teacher can run through in their mind where the lesson plan may convincingly lead to the goal and where it may not in the section. In the Study phase, it is also important for the teacher to direct attention to the goal of the lesson section rather than to the student response to the teacher as an individual. In the Study phase, the teacher must focus on how the students will best focus on and learn from the study material. What is it the teacher needs to do in order to facilitate this and bring this about? The teacher can go over this section of the lesson imaginatively in their mind also. What is the best way to present the material? Perhaps, it will be important to do a certain amount of demonstration in the beginning. Again, the point is to think of the goal of the section and the class, rather than some sort of “vague” response that the students may have to the teacher, in the process of building teacher confidence and self-assurance. In the Activate stage, the principle of arranging the section plan while imagining class dynamics with a goal in mind in order to build confidence holds. The teacher should take into account how to best meet the goals of learning in the class, especially in consideration of the best way to help the students do so. In the Activate stage, the teacher might imagine beforehand how to build student courage and how to continue to hone the rapport that has been developed previously. The goal is to empower the students. In this case, the focus should be transferred from the teacher to the students. Working out how to do this beforehand will help the teacher build self-confidence. Overall, in order to build confidence the teacher should imagine beforehand each section of a lesson structured around the ESA form in imaginative depth. In the process, the teacher can focus on how to best carry out the goal of each section, rather than in worrying about how students might respond to the teacher on a personal level. The teacher can hone the lesson and build confidence by thinking about and figuring out how to best carry out the goals of each section in order to bring about a successful learning experience for the students. Once the teacher clearly understands the goal of each section of the ESA form, the teacher can imagine various classroom scenarios in relation. Additionally, the teacher could practice with a friend or in front of a mirror beforehand. If there are still concerns, the teacher might ask themselves what is it that is bothering them—what might get in the way of carrying out these goals and how will they work through it cognitively? The teacher needs to understand their job in order to best carry out it out. In order to do this, the teacher should break down each section of an ESA form in order to understand its goal in relation to the teacher’s overall goal. The teacher can gain confidence by thinking about how to do and preparing to do an excellent job in each section.