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Teach English in Si'An Zhen - Nantong Shi
Which school subject is the most important? I think the answer is: all subjects are important, and that's true. Math is developing our thinking skills. Languages help us to master the words we use in our speech. Science is making us feel that we are a part of this great universe, but we would never be successful in any of these subjects if we won't develop the love and interest in reading from childhood. Nowadays, almost in every corner, we hear people say that the modern generation has lost interest and love for reading, and of course, everyone is blaming the gadgets that they use every day. Reading is playing a very important role in every stage of our life (infancy, childhood, adulthood, old age). The older the kids get, the harder it becomes to motivate them to read more. The ideal way to install the love for reading in kids is to work on that since the infancy, and of course, that should start in the family. The teacher just can give the parents some recommendations on how to attract the attention of their kids to books, because no matter how hard would the teacher try, the main motivation will always come from the parents. Both- parents and teachers should cooperate in this process. Reading will become a favorite activity if teachers and parents will manage to put some elements of games in it. Drawing the characters from the story or making them out of the playing dough or creating a home theater will help the kids to associate reading with something positive and fun. There is no need to make the children read something that they are not interested in, that would not motivate them. If children do not like the book they can always choose another one. The main thing should be to let them understand that there are many genres, books about the Space, about the superheroes, books with funny stories and pictures. If they try different genres then there is a very high possibility that they will find out the right book for them. I think it's unreasonable to deprive a child of walks, games or sweets due to an unread book. That will be the easiest to discourage him or her from reading forever. It’s better to avoid conditions like “until you finish fifteen pages - no football with friends!” Reading with your children is the best family activity. Children love spending time with their parents. Most often it is watching TV or walking. But why not make reading out loud a good family tradition? You can read by roles, in different voices or in turns. And also to come up with a sequel together and imagine what would happen if the child himself got into this book. In a family that everyone likes reading rarely happens to have a child that doesn't like reading. It is absurd to require the child to love reading if he or she has never seen their parents with a book in their hands. Parents are always set as a model for children. Now, a little bit about the teacher's role in installing a love of reading in children. It is impossible to teach the children to love books, but it is possible to create an atmosphere in which the kids will find themselves comfortable and happy. In the class, the teacher should give the students an opportunity to speak out without fear. It is important to tell them from time to time that there are no wrong opinions. There is no need to stick to the lesson plan if the teacher sees that the class is bored, a game or some kind of competition can always cheer up the class. Children enjoy reading in groups. When they sit in circles of 4-7 people and read for each other in paragraphs or sentences. If the text is small, then, in the end, there may be a discussion on issues. I had a kind of picnic lesson with my students. In May, when the weather was warm we went out with books to a nearby lake or just to the schoolyard. There we conveniently got into a circle and read, discussed a book. I also had another activity that can increase the interest in reading a bit more, we called it "Guess what's next." After reading a chapter we stopped, and the students began to tell how they see the further development of the plot. You can ask leading questions: will the characters change, will their wishes come true, and so on. Such a task reveals students' expressive abilities well.