Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jiulongling Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shaoyang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Jiulongling Zhen - Shaoyang Shi
Based on the enormous knowledge gotten form the TEFL online study, it is obvious that one of the cornerstones to being a good Teacher especially an ESL Teacher, is having an excellent knowledge or skill in managing a class, which serves as arequisite to achieving the aim and purpose of the day lesson. As a stated by Evertson and Weinstein, they described classroom management as the actions taken by the teacher to create supportive environment for the academic, social and emotional learning of students. They further explained that teachers who are committed to effective classroom management ensures a high-quality education by developing caring and supportive relationships with and among students. Little children are naturally easily distracted because they have a short attention spans, are spontaneous and always with energy and enthusiasm. They basically are still learning how to behave in class but are generally motivated and interested in learning English, especially as this involves visits from a different Teacher who brings a fun puppet. Therefore, in ensuring an effective classroom management in young learners as learned during the TEFL online course, the teacher must endeavor to harness the children’s energy and enthusiasm by collaborating with the class tutor (in the case of an ESL Teacher), be consistently firm but friendly in the course of teaching, follow the routines and lesson times and ensure that activities are varied so as to win and keep the attention and concentration of the children through the course of the lesson. Right from the start, it is essential to make it clear to the class tutor that support is needed to educate the children in the case of an ESL Teacher. Observation on how the classroom tutor has the children sitting during class routine, moving from the floor to the tables in order to help set up routines activities and procedures. As rightfully pointed out by Plato that “students should not be trained to learn by force and harshness, rather directing them to it by what amuses their mind, so that the teacher may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.” Nevertheless, small children need to know where the boundaries lie, so it is important that they understand right from the start that there are expected ways to behave in the class. Hence, being firm, fair and friendly by the teacher is essential in order to ensure an effective classroom management. Also, according to Spencer Kagan, students should play an active role in setting classroom rules. By allowing the students to help create the rules, the students are participating in classroom community building. Everyone is working together and is able to clearly understand the rules. Routines provide children with stability by giving them a hint of what to expect thereby making them confident. These routines and procedures of each lesson will assist in managing the class in an effective manner. Though it takes time for the children to fully learn these routines and procedures, this means it is important to ensure that he the routine is acquired and understood not minding the time it takes. While ensuring routine is being followed, the most important point to consider in successfully ensuring an effective classroom management is making the class fun by spicing the lesson up with varieties. Young learners as learned during the online TEFL course, have a short attention span, hence lessons and routines must be organized so that the activities change regularly and include variety. In my experience, activities require children to sit, stand, move and think, as well as chant, sing and be in silence. Be it as it may, the routines inherent in the lessons form a pattern that the students will gradually recognize and able to reiterate subconsciously which will help them to concentrate as stated by Jacob Kounin, who also believed that if students were engaged in their lessons, they would be less likely to misbehave thereby ensuring a well-managed class.