Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yantang Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shaoyang Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Yantang Zhen - Shaoyang Shi
Learning a new language is intimidating, stressful, and confusing. Learning English feels the same way for our students. Teaching our students in groups is essential for their learning to progress. By grouping students they will be more confident in their learning experience, be able to teach one another, and more efficient for the teacher to monitor. One of the most important reasons for grouping students when teaching is that it increases a student’s confidence in taking risks. As mentioned previously, studying a new language can be frightening. These feelings can prevent a student from participating in front of the class as a whole. According to Emelina Minero, assistant editor at Edutopia, group work can assist students by “[building] comfort around using their own voices.” (Minero, 2016) Pairing or grouping students allows them to feel more comfortable taking risks in their education. These risks can include sharing opinions, practicing their language, and asking questions. By feeling this confidence, students are more likely to participate in their group and expand their education. Grouping is essential for students because they are able to learn from one another. In Minero’s article she references the principal at University Park saying, “The world increasingly relies on people being able to work together to collaboratively solve problems…” (Minero, 2016) Each student has strengths and weaknesses. By grouping individuals, we can establish those weaknesses and make them strengths. For instance, Student A exceeds at memorizing vocabulary, but is lacking in grammar. Student A can teach the rest of her group vocabulary, exercises to assist in memorization, and can even do one-on-one practice with students to help strengthen their vocabulary skills. If Student B understands grammar more than Student A, he is able to aid Student A in grammar by running drills and sharing tips with her and the rest of the group. Furthermore, students are able to increase their own understanding when teaching other students. At Brigham Young University- Idaho their learning model is “prepare, teach one another, ponder and prove.” (BYU-Idaho) One reason they include teaching each other is to help students “…articulate, polish, clarify, and correct their own understanding.” (BYU-Idaho). English is a form of communication, thus students should be communicating with one another and strengthening skills together. Another motive for students to work in groups is that it makes it easier for the teacher to monitor. In an ideal classroom, we would assess each student individually during each class, and answer any questions they might have. Unfortunately, we do not have the time nor the energy to succeed at this goal. Working in pairs or groups is the next most effective way to oversee the class and their progress. As students communicate and work on their assignments together, the instructor has the opportunity to observe the students and their conversations. During this observation, she can find students strengths and weaknesses, check for understanding, and give certain groups more assistance if needed. If a group has a question or is misunderstanding a concept, the teacher can teach the group as a whole. Likewise, if an entire group is confused about something, the teacher is able to do an assessment of the class and reteach the concept. Students working in groups is more time efficient for the students and the teacher. BYU-Idaho. Retrieved from Minero, Emalino. (2016). Edutopia. Retrieved from