Teach English in Bailin Zhen - Shiyan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Bailin Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shiyan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

This unit tells us about how to be an effective Teacher, what are the skills and characteristics that the Teacher should have and responsibility that is putting on to their shoulder. Unit 1 the very first question that you will probably read about are, what makes a good teacher? here they had conducted a surveyed to some of the teachers and students to get their opinion and the most common answer that they got is about teacher personality. While some says about the relationship between the student and the teacher. There are a lot of answers but the simple and concise meaning according to this EFL course. A good teacher really cares about his/her teaching but have to make an extra effort for the students to learn. In additional the writer also talked about the role of an effective teacher in the class. For a longer period of time there has been an issue between a student-centered lessons or a teacher-centered lesson, so according to this lesson it really depends on the type of activity that the students are involve with. As the role of the teacher is being concerned here are the different role that they should play in the class. first one as Being a manager or controller in this role the teacher should know how to manage and assist the students during activity or individual seat works. it also says that the teacher is in control of the class that he is the one who's talking in front of the class discussing and giving instruction. Second as an organizer which have said that this is very important he/she must be very clear in giving out an instruction to all the students because if the students did not understand to what the teacher is trying to say this will lead to confusion and taking more time to repeat again. Third one is assisting the student teacher must give undivided attention to the students Especially in teaching English he/she must support the students in times when they will lose their composure, teacher should give feedback and be sensitive to his/her students emotion. Next one being a prompter this role required the teacher to be more sensitive and should have enough confident to encourage the student to continue expressing his/her idea and if the students are really struggling teacher must encourage and give a little help for the student to be motivated and continue to recite. followed by being a participant as the word itself participate this is opposed to prompter role as the teacher will not act as teacher but instead being equal with the students. Being careful not to focus to him/herself. Another is being a tutor which is very familiar this works in individual giving feedback to student. Also this area needs discipline avoiding to focus on one student but instead to give equal attention to all. Next is facilitator or resource, model, observer or monitor. Being resource meaning helping out the student but not to extent that you’re doing everything for them. And as model means you're the one that your student will look up to. and they are counting on you as the teacher when it comes to pronunciation and speech. The last three one are observer or monitor this is easy to understand the teacher needs to observe the students while they are doing activities taking notes about mistake so that it will be corrected after discussion careful not to interrupt the student during the activity. Teacher is also prepared anytime if any case the student need assistance.