Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in ChengguAn Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shiyan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in ChengguAn Zhen - Shiyan Shi
Most languages have formal and non formal structures especially when it comes to the oral aspect, this is because as languages evolve over time outside culture and introduction of other languages in the same country or from another country turn to weave its way into the L1 of that community or country therefore creating as some what non formal language. Another way is that less educated or non educated people always turn to coin out certain words or phrases to replace the formal way of saying certain things. Undoubtedly, there are difference between formal and informal language, take a case study of American English which is known for its infamous slangs. These slangs according to history was largely developed by the coloured races especially the African Americans so as to be able to communicate with their master in the dark ages of slavery. This language has survived the test of time and has been fine tuned and popularise through the main stream media through music and entertainment to the extent that it sound formal in the years of non-native English speakers. The slangs was popularised by the hiphop culture that developed in the early 90's which has stood the test of time till now, most people on the streets of America use this language which is never taught in schools or homes. People will turn to say "I wanna " instead of "i want to" ,"y'all" instead of "you all", now these phrases has even been added to certain language input devices on computers and other electronic devices making it for people to use thinking its a formal language but it isn't. I find it also discouraging to see videos on youtube and other blogs that turn to teach english language learners how to speak slangs and write slangs. This I think if not checked will develop into a stumbling block for learners. Formal languages have lay down rules for grammar and all the relevant aspects of language development but the non formal ones have no cut out rules governing them. I grew up in Ghana where we are taught formal British English in school and use that official as our first language but also we have non formal English that most teenagers speak that is called 'pidgin' English, this non formal English cuts across Ghana, Nigeria, Anglo- Cameroon and Liberia. This non formal English language has its one grammar structures and words which sometimes follow the order go the formal English language but many times are not the same. I know some pat of the England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland also have non formal English language. Formal language if spoken or written is understood by all who learnt or are native speakers of the language but the non formal languages are understood by just a handful and sometimes differ from geographic location to the other. In all I'm not against the speaking of it but rather would like teachers to lay much emphasis on teaching formal English language to their students, adults can be introduced to these language but should be discourage from using them as it will hinder their progress in the study of formal English language. Now in our age of advance technology the internet has also in this short period made people around the world developed non formal languages including non formal English and named it internet or cyber language. This internet language have words that are reduced in their spellings by eliminating some letters and replacing with another example; 'dis' to mean 'this', etc. In other related cases, a whole sentence is reduced to letters example; 'lol' to mean 'laugh out loud', 'WTG' to mean ' We Thank God' the list is endless. This turn to support the argument that language evolves as civilisation develops, this means formal languages will forever stay true but there are possibilities of endless non formal languages develop as the society continue to evolve.