Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Jundian Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Shiyan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Jundian Zhen - Shiyan Shi
Question: What are the roles that parents play in their children education? Parents are the first teachers a child interacts with, from age zero to around three or four years when the child is exposed to early childhood education at schools. The parent role at this point is very critical for educating the child in; the culture of the society, religion of the family, the first language of the family and educational mentors among the family. Infants at this age are normally very keen on the happenings on the surrounding, and so they tend to model behavior of the parents or the care givers. Parents can help the infants feel secure and protected by playing with them. Infants can learn to build social connections when the parents let them to be held by other people when they are around. All these activities are geared at educating the child at a tender age for future school life and work life. Parents do provide to the needs of their children. A good parent who needs the best out of the child would look for the best school around. A good school in this context is a school with good facilities, good teachers, a good learning environment and quality curriculum. A good school will have a good education foundation for a child. The basic need of a child is to be equipped with a good education foundation. Good school and teachers in the early life of a child can create a positive impact that will influence the education levels of a child in the future. Parents can provide learning resources to their children such as; newspapers, journals, novels, storybooks, brochures and magazines that can help a learner sharpen their reading skills. Parents also can provide some school materials that can be asked for such as; video camera, cassette recorders and DVDs which will help the child to sharpen their listening skills. The resources help the children work on their classwork assignments at home with ease to facilitate learning. Parents can also influence the children language through the social gatherings they expose their children to. Multilingual gatherings can force the child to develop a liking of English language to enable them communicate and fit into the social circle. Parents are a source of encouragement and advice to their children. Moments of difficult at school or life, children tend to seek their parents opinion of which mostly it is a piece of advice or encouragement. Encouragement to children can help improve learner’s confidence and self-esteem to face the difficulties they face. Class work can be a little challenging to learners, a good parent should try to persuade his/her child to push on by constantly checking on their school activities and progress. Parents offer help to their children. School work and assignments at times need a parent input. Challenging assignments such as creating a brochure of a zoo cannot be done by a child who has never been to a zoo before. The parent will be required to accompany or support the child visit a zoo, create the necessary materials such as pictures the child will require and assist in identifying the various animals in the zoo. By doing so, the parent is playing a background important role in impacting the child’s education. Parents can also help learners through creating a conducive home environment, which will give a learner a fresh mind and good mentality in class. Learners from a good functional family and society tend to be well behaved, do have good social skills and interactions, good adaptation to school life, a sense of personal improvement, a strong belief in the importance of education and well-being. This learners can have a strong desire to learn and take education serious as they are well modeled by their parents.