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Teach English in Chenji Zhen - Suqian Shi
At present, most English courses are discrete in their explanation of grammar knowledge. Even though they have covered most of the grammar rules, they ignore the integrity of the grammar system and the systematic evolution process from simple language structure to complex structure. At the same time, students' ability of language logic understanding is not fully developed, which greatly reduces the efficiency and achievement of grammar teaching. From a new perspective, this paper examines grammar teaching with a systematic logic view, which can be used for reference by the majority of English learners and teachers. English is a hypotactic language so that English sentences are a perfect combination of form and content. The language units that make up a sentence are words, phrases, clauses and sentences. They come from the bottom to top completing a whole grammar system. Please see the following step-by-step analysis. First of all, what is a phrase? A phrase is not fixed collocation, but an important language unit. It is a kind of structure with a certain word as the core, which is formed between words through logical modification. In this group of words, the part of speech of the core word determines the attribute of the phrase. Common phrases in English are: adjective phrase, preposition phrase, noun phrase, verb phrase, adverb phrase and so on. See the following example: 01. from China Analysis: according to the attribute of preposition, noun or pronoun should be added after from to form preposition object structure, which is preposition phrase. 02. intensely powerful Analysis: the degree adverb intensely modifies the core adjective powerful, forming adjective phrases with powerful as the core; 03. patient with the students Analysis: the prepositional phrase with the students complements the core adjective patient, forming the adjective phrase with patient as the core; 04. look forward to Analysis: the core verb look pluses the adverb forward and the preposition to,forming verb phrases; 05. a book popular with young children Analysis: the adjective phrase popular with young children, modifies the core noun book to form a noun phrase; 06. very significantly Analysis: the degree adverb very modifies the core adverb significantly, while the adverb phrases with significance as the core are formed; Phrase structure is the basis of understanding the meaning group in a sentence, which plays an important role in grasping the meaning of a sentence. See the following example: 07. In a recent study involving over 400 healthy adults, researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in Pennsylvania examined the effects of perceived social support and the receipt of hugs on the participants’susceptibility to developing the common cold. Analysis: The reason why the sentence is complex is that the noun phrases that act as subject and object are very long, especially the object. Among them, the core noun effects are followed by two long prepositional phrases of perceived social support and the receive of hugs and on the participants' vulnerability to developing the common cold. As a post attributive, combine and understand the whole noun phrase: the impact of perceived social support and received hugs on participants' susceptibility to cold. Secondly, what is a clause? It is a group of words with subject and predicate verbs. A clause is more complex than a phrase. There will be more than one phrase in a clause, so it is phrasal. A language unit at a higher level. Each phrase in the clause forms different components of the clause: subject, predicate, object, adverbial, complement, etc. Such as: 08. The research conducted by his team focused on the reproducibility of some published studies Probability of some published students Analysis: there are three phrases in this clause: the research conducted by his team. The responsibility of some published students. They have their own core words, which constitute the subject, predicate and object components. Thirdly, what's the difference between a clause and a sentence? A sentence is the upper level of a clause. And a clause is the unit that makes up a sentence. If a sentence contains a small sentence, such a sentence only talks about one thing, which is a simple sentence. If a sentence contains more than two clauses, such a sentence will be more complex. How are these clauses arranged and combined together? There are two kinds of logic: juxtaposition and subordination. If several clauses in a sentence are juxtaposed, they are combined to form a juxtaposition. If multiple clauses are subordinate, the main clause and the subordinate clause form a complex sentence through the level by level containing relationship. See the following example: 09. The commencement will be held this Sunday, and all parents are invited to attend this activity. Analysis: The two clauses are connected by the coordinate conjunction and to form a coordinate sentence. 10. It tells the entertainment industry that it must take responsibility for the signal that it sends teenagers about the social norm that they base on to determine their future success. Analysis: The subject sentence it tells the entertainment industry contains the first level object clause that it must take responsibility for the signal. The object clause also contains two second level attribute clauses that it sends tees and that they base on to determine their future success, which together constitute a complex sentence. Through the above simple analysis, we can see that. The logical relationship between words forms phrases, while many phrases form clauses. Clauses form three kinds of basic sentences through juxtaposition and subordination: simple sentence, juxtaposition sentence and complex sentence. In this way, the basic structure of English syntax has appeared. According to this main line, you can add the corresponding syntax points to the appropriate level, Explain reasonably to let learners fully understand the context between grammar rules, building a grammar tree with clear structure and luxuriant branches. For example, the difficulty of non-predicate verbs is better to be explained at the level of clause. There are different components in the clause, among which the verb acting as the predicate is called the predicate verb, while the verb acting as other components is called the non predicate verb, which is their essential difference. For such a hypotactic language as English, the syntactic function must be different from forms. In terms of form, predicate verbs should not only satisfy the principle of "subject predicate consistency", but also reflect the four time categories and four action states in which actions take place. Thus, there are 16 forms, which are the 16 tenses we are familiar with. The forms of non-predicate verbs are infinitive to do, gerund doing and participle doing / done. The three forms of non predicate verbs are different, so they convey different meanings and play different roles in small sentences. In addition, based on the main line of the syntactic system discussed above, in the classroom, we can use the way of comparison between mother tongue and target language to explain grammar points, starting from the similarities and differences between English and Chinese, so that students can really understand the universality and particularity of language, and avoid taking English as a completely new thing. For example, starting from the similarities and differences of sentence structures in Chinese and English, it can effectively help students overcome Chinese thinking to truly understand and master the usage of various clauses. Chinese sentences are often used to be "flowing sentences". There will be multiple commas in a sentence. After the semantic expression is complete, a full stop will be drawn. The logic in the sentence is vague and loose. And the connectives of guiding clauses are far less abundant than that in English. In addition, Chinese clause conjunctions are compound conjunctions, which appear in pairs, for example, because So... , although, but, however, in English sentences, the subject and subordinate sentences are arranged clearly and orderly. And the connectives are rich and diverse. Through scientific logical relations, the subject and subordinate sentences are combined into a complete complex sentence. Among them, the main sentence is an independent clause, and the subordinate sentence depends on the main sentence, which must be integrated into the main sentence through subordinate connectors. Therefore, only one connector is needed between the main and subordinate sentences, and the number of subordinate connectors = the number of small sentences - 1. Having understood the differences between Chinese and English sentences, there is no need for learners to recite the so-called "rules" such as "because and so can't be used together". More importantly, they will treat the logic of English long and difficult sentences more rigorously and master the clauses more rationally. The above several examples do not cover all the logical rules in English syntax, The purpose of this paper is to present readers with a new perspective of understanding and mastering English grammar. In English grammar teaching, we should first give a high-level explanation of the syntax system, and then go deep into the system to improve the grammar points step by step in order to let students see the whole forest and every tree. Only in this way can students gradually develop a scientific view of language logic to avoid repeated learning, while teachers improve the efficiency of grammar teaching to enhance students' interest and confidence in learning English.