Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Gengche Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Suqian Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Gengche Zhen - Suqian Shi
Learning foreign languages is quite a long and difficult process, it is important to have good teachers to embark on this journey with the student. Initially, teacher’s role is to equip students with basic skills that will allow them to cope with the real life situations. Above all, teachers should encourage students to learn and the student should see the meaning of his learning. He should be aware that learning is something that he needs in life and, in the end, all of this was worth his efforts. That is why, the teacher must constantly orientate his students towards the goals, even though some of them, especially the younger ones can't determine themselves yet. The role of the teacher is also important during games and activities throughout the lesson. However, it depends on him to decide which role he to take, meaning whether he should participate on a principle of being an equal member, or just only supervising the course of action. It goes without saying, that the rapport between the teacher and students is essential. Sometimes students may feel embarrassed, which leads to loss of spontaneity that is quite important in games or engaging activities. Therefore, I believe that the teacher should supervise the course of games and activities use this situation to observe student behavior in the group without concentrating only on his knowledge of the language. Another problem is what approach should the teacher take when he notices structural, lexical, functional errors etc. during the games and activities. I believe that interrupting the game just only to correct mistakes can discourage student from a spontaneous communication. On the other hand, if the teacher begins to discuss the nature of the error in detail, it can weaken students' interest in having fun. The teacher is expected also to deal with a student who is quite reluctant to participate in the lesson. Reasons for this can be very different. For instance, the student may feel unwell that day, and may not identify with group, but may also be afraid of failure etc. Moreover, sometimes we forget that fun should be fun, otherwise it will not fulfill the function motivating and activating students. They should be encouraged, and if will not help, we could offer the student an auxiliary function (e.g. writing points on the board,observation of games played by colleagues etc). However, we should keep in mind that whenever a student is not willing to participate in the lessons, as a teacher one should try to discover reason for such a behavior and then mitigate this problem. In addition, the outcomes achieved by the student depend largely on the characteristics of teacher's personality, knowledge, sensitivity, pedagogical skills and attention to feedback. For me, a good teacher must have an extensive knowledge so that he can arouse interest in every aspect and more importantly he should be able formulate his thoughts precisely to everyone. He should be an optimist, and most importantly believe in what he does and motivate to learn with his attitude, explaining purposefulness of learning and paying attention to the conditions and methods of learning. For instance, a child, especially in the elementary school, likes to learn a foreign language primarily because he likes his teacher and accepts his way conducting lessons. The awareness that this knowledge will be useful to him sometime in his life is then slightly developed. Obviously, there are also very few students in the class who they are eager to learn a foreign language because of their generally positive attitude towards learning. Motivation always has been inseparable from human nature and played a very important role in acquiring knowledge process. Simply speaking, when we have it, then it mobilizes us to act and achieve our goals, and when we lack motivation we just do nothing. In my opinion, a teacher is the most important motivating factor for learning a foreign language. As such, we can state that almost everything lies in the hands of the teacher. He should be encouraging and passing on his knowledge to students so they can efficiently learn from him. It depends entirely on the teacher whether the learning process will be a pleasure or a nightmare for students.