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What is Classroom Management? Students with different capabilities expect various outcomes based on a teacher’s management of the classroom. Classroom management is a holistic approach to the management of people, the physical environment, cognition, and emotions. Proper classroom management has several benefits including the promotion of attentiveness and productivity. Teaching is not about the information sharing and participatory approaches to learning only. Instead, a teacher must be a good classroom manager who minimizes noise, recognizes the learners' skills, and ensures that every student performs well holistically. The submission defines classroom management and later introduces the reasons why the strategy should be employed. The discourse recommends effective classroom management as a technique of maximizing positive behaviors and minimizing negativity. Classroom Management Classrooms are chaotic without the intervention of a teacher who must assume a managerial task. Classroom management refers to the possession of the requisite skills and strategies that organize learning environments. Orderliness promotes attentiveness, focus, and academic productivity (Garrett, 2014). Classroom management takes different shapes and forms. First, the physical arrangement of learners in class determines the comprehension of subjects. While comfort is critical, the distance between one student and the other should be realistic to promote easy movement. Both teachers and learners should move around the class when it is necessary. Movements are common during class presentations, practical demonstration of theoretical discussions, and as students take breaks or stretch. Therefore, McLeod, Fisher, and Hoover (2003) express the significance of effective management f classroom space. Secondly, some learners should seat in strategic positions to see the board and move easily to the front. For instance, students with learning difficulties, vision problems, shorter learners, and those with physical disabilities should seat in strategic locations in which they can access various resources. Thirdly, classroom management is about the control of noise and the minimization of negative behaviors. A teacher should be in control of the class by monitoring mischievous learners and noisemakers. The minimization of behaviors that impede learning creates an environment in which learners study at the same pace. Disruptive behaviors affect concentration, and prevention of such actions promotes responsiveness to lessons (The Glossary of Education Reforms, 2014). Also, strategic positioning promotes effective participation because a teacher can easily identify every student when asking questions. A good class manager delegates duties, promotes good communication skills, and ensures the environment is orderly (Garrett, 2014). Additionally, classroom management ensures that students pay attention so that they can understand the teacher. In essence, classroom management is action and goal-oriented (McLeod, Fisher, & Hoover, 2003). Its greatest objective is to optimize learning by using different management skills. Importance of Classroom Management Classroom management has several benefits including the creation of orderliness. An orderly classroom consists of disciplined learners who respect the set learning routine (Garrett, 2014). Classroom management is also important because it promotes effective teaching. Learning situations and environments have a direct relationship with the expectations of both learners and teachers. Instead of teaching, an instructor spends most of the time handling problematic characters in class. A controlled class environment promotes effective learning, but instructors must not spend a better part of the lesson calming a noisy environment. Consequently, an instructor effectively uses time to perform important tasks in class. Students emulate organized teachers and they easily follow the set rules, as well as the routine. Due to such exercises, learners develops long-term skills that also make them in good time managers, planners, and priority setters (Garrett, 2014). Such values promote consistency so that a teacher’s absence does not change behavior. Classroom management’s significance is habit development. Good behaviors lead to long-term habits that reduce misbehavior is the manager is effective. Classroom managers face setbacks and sometimes fail, but when they set proper disciplinary routines over the long-term, they can handle misbehavior well in subsequent situations. Management is a learning curve, and perfection is achievable. However, consistent improvement maximizes positive behaviors while minimizing problematic traits. Classroom Management Techniques Classroom management techniques depend on the nature of the students and teachers. One approach is the development of an entry routine. It involves sharing the class program, learning materials, protocol details, and consequences of the disorder with learners (The Glossary of Education Reforms, 2014). Another technique is the issuance of the “Do Now” document, which students receive as they enter the classroom to prepare them as they settle so that they can be productive and focused during the rest of the lesson (The Glossary of Education Reforms, 2014). Also, instructors need seat signals to alert them or act as a distress call whenever students need attention. The tool assists teachers to learn student behaviors when answering questions and as they seek permission to leave the classroom. Teachers also need props to reward good behavior and tight transitions to manage every study period. The tight transition also enhances awareness of time management among learners (Garrett, 2014). Additionally, teachers should develop a classroom plan, which familiarizes them with the physical setting of the study area. In essence, classroom management should bridge the gap between students and teachers both physically and emotionally (Garrett, 2014; McLeod, Fisher, & Hoover, 2003). With familiarity, teachers get an easier time when correcting students. A relationship-driven approach to learning increases the success rates of classroom management techniques. To sum up, classroom management requires intellectual and emotional skills because teachers handle humans and objects. Physically, the classroom arrangement should facilitate easy movement while cognitively, a teacher must understand the students’ behaviors. Emotionally and socially, a teacher should establish why students opt to behave in a prohibited style. Sometimes they need attention or suffer from certain conditions. Safe and effective classroom management skills often have positive outcomes while lack of awareness generates negative results. Hence, teachers must acquire classroom management skills to generate better academic, social, cognitive, and holistic results. References Garrett, T. (2014). Effective classroom management: The essentials. New York: Teachers College Press. McLeod, J., Fisher, J., & Hoover, G. (2003). The key elements of classroom management: Managing time and space, student behavior, and instructional strategies. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. The Glossary of Education Reforms. (November 26, 2014). Classroom Management. Retrieved from