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Teach English in TAngjian Zhen - Suqian Shi
Reading is a common skill in one’s own native language, so much so, that it is often taken for granted, especially when one starts learning a second language. While it is focused on during the stages of language acquisition and generally a practical ability to master, it is not one that is given enough attention. Far more often, speaking may become the singular element of attention for a learner. After that, writing is then a method to practice speaking. Yet, in this essay I will try to ascertain that reading is the single most unifying element of language learning and should not be ignored. A language can be divided into three areas of expertise those are: reading, writing and speaking. Generally, speech is the first area that is given attention as it is the simplest to mimic, especially for children. Afterwards, reading is introduced as a reinforcement to speaking and then writing as a method of reproducing the read texts. All three areas intertwine and assist each other; by learning one you reinforce the others. For example, when one engages in dialogue they may learn new patterns of speech, vocabulary, idioms, etc. All of these, features that can be used in writing in order to make it richer. Writing has a supporting effect, for everything that is written is solidified in memory and can therefore be reproduced with greater ease during speech production. Reading however, influences both factors and more. Firstly, reading materials are themselves a source of, mostly, correct grammar. By scanning and looking at the displayed language, one may slowly form a permanent image or impression of it; learning the spelling and usage. This makes reading another tool that may aid with writing exercises and alike. Additionally, the way the nouns, verbs, adjectives, pronouns, and the others parts of speech are organized, allows one to memorize and reproduce it in later works; correct sentence structure becomes easier to comprehend and duplicate. The same function can be said of punctuation a, frequently considered, frightening aspect of the English language. Secondly, reading materials can be a valuable source of rare language use. For, the types of reading materials are varied, ranging from professional academic work all the way to silly children’s books. The former may contain important professionalisms and jargon while the latter, onomatopoeia and child’s words (e.g. a boo-boo). This type of information may not be found easily found in daily conversation and studied materials Thirdly, reading allows one to bolster one’s creativity. Examples of mind-blowing metaphors, amazing alliteration, or clarifying oxymora can all be found within available literature. A language learner benefits from this by having the ability to enrich one’s language far beyond the limitations of course textbooks. Lastly, the benefits that one gains from reading do not only aid in the production and comprehension of language in its spoken or written form, but it may also help in forming an understanding of the cultural background that lies behind the studied language. For, language is not merely the amalgamation of rules and symbols, but the history and habits behind it as well. Through literature, one can come to know why the language is built the way it is, how it changes and so on. It is thus, that reading has a cultural element to it. Reading has little to no disadvantageous aspects to it unlike writing, which requires precise motor-control and focused attention. Combining all these elements together, it can be observed that reading contains a number of advantages that help elevate its priority over the other aspects of language. However, the system of language acquisition is a holistic one, no aspect is to be ignored. Yet, it is nonetheless important to stress how much reading can to do in order to aid the process of language learning. Its benefits apply no matter the level of mastery of the student. It is thus that, reading should be an element of learning that is encouraged by education systems and by no means ignored. It is especially vital to inspire students to seek out various genres of literature, since the official sources may prove to be lackluster, and ultimately only the individual can know what truly invigorates and motivates them.