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Parents’ role in education is countless and as such I shall be defining the three operative (role, parents and education) to set the premise on which I will lay my discourse. The Queen’s English Dictionary Thesaurus of the English Language defines these three as follows: EDUCATION-the process of learning and training; the theory and practice of learning. PARENTS-fathers or mothers; organisms producing another. ROLE-a function. Therefore, in answering the posed question “How Important Is the Role/Function of Parents Education”, we can safely say that parents’ role in education is of great importance. A child’s education starts from the home and of such, parents are the first teachers who shape their character. Hence, the child’s values, attitude and education/academic, success significantly depends on the influence of the home and school, the main social constructs. Here, socialization is a major role carried out by parents and speaks to one’s acceptable behavioural pattern within a community. Socialization begins at birth and as the child grows; personality and skills are developed, shaped by the persons and institutions he/she comes in contact with. According to Stewart, Thelma M. (2009) Certificate Management of Homes and Families New Ed. “The family has the major responsibility for the socialization of children”. Socialization, she said has THREE major aspects. They are as follows: • The development of moral character; Here the individual abides by the values of the family and transmits family patterns. • The acquisition of intellectual and physical skills; The individual acquires a set of skills which becomes his resources for earning a living. • The development of personality; The individual’s self-concept and social skills are as such that his total behaviour is acceptable to his social group. Societies (Parents) in general educate their children both formally and informally. Formal education speaks to a deliberate attempt at behavioural change of the learner by presenting or providing certain experiences. This form of learning usually takes place in a school setting or some other educational institution. Therefore, parents role in education in phenomenal especially formally to ensure that the desired behavioural change is realized. Informal education on the other hand is a process where there are changes in behaviour of the learner without any deliberate attempt or plan to facilitate these changes. Although not consciously planned, or structured, it has a powerful impact on the child. Educators have agreed that it advantageous to the child when both the formal and informal curricular works in harmony. However, when there is an antagonistic pull, the child’s learning is hampered. Hence, it is absolutely important that the home (parents) and the school work together for this to be realized. The role of parents in education is of absolute importance, as children are in need of their encouragement and support. Here, parents act as the stabilizing force in their children’s education. Hence, children do better, they stay in school longer, are more engaged in their school work, school attendance is regular and behaviour is improved. The supporting and encouraging role by parents is crucial in the life of a child, as it spur success. This role is not limited to the activities which occur in the home, but calls for involvement in the activities which occur in school as well. It is a firm belief of most responsible parents, that each generation should be better than the one before, hence, parents ensure that their children are sent to school as this is important for academic learning. According to Redding, Sam (1) UNESCO International Bureau of Education(2000) Research Findings, “Identifiable patterns of family life contribute to a child’s ability to learn in school and as such, these specific patterns of family life corresponds with a child’s success and highlights positives in academic learning”. The three(3) patterns Redding highlighted were: 1) The Parent Child Relationship 2) Routine of Family Life 3) Family Expectations and Supervision In Parent Child Relationship, Redding found that there were daily conversations about everyday events ; expressions of affection; family discussions of books, magazines, newspapers, television programmes,; family visits to libraries, museums, and encouragement to try new words to expand vocabulary. The Routine of Family Life identified formal study time at home, a daily routine that includes time to eat, play sleep, work, study and learn, a quiet place to study and read, games and activities of educational value. In Family Expectations and Supervision; priority was given to schoolwork over the watching of television and recreation; concern for correct and effective language use, parental monitoring of children’s peer group; and parent knowledge of child’s progress in school and personal growth. When we examine the aforementioned variables by Redding we can safely say that the role of parents in education is of great importance as these predictable boundaries will no doubt reap education success as they set the premise for the child to do his best. It cannot be over emphasize however, that whatever parents put in, is certainly what they are expected to get out . This is to say, that if it is the goal of the parent for the child to be successful, then parents involvement in the child’s home/school affairs is of great importance. Redding (2000) concurred that when the aforementioned variables were applied, “ a child who comes to school prepared by attitude, habit and skill to take the fullest advantage of the teacher’s instructions, then the teacher's own effectiveness is enhanced”. In her poem Children Learn What They Live, Dorothy Law Note (1972) wrote “If children live with encouragement, They learn confidence and if live with praise, They learn to appreciate”. Children will be children and will so act in the manner they do. Therefore, it is the parents’ responsibility to steer them in the right direction. In concluding, parents’ role/function in education is of absolute importance, because they are their children’s first teachers who shape their life and character, their involvement increases the attendance rate and lowers the drop-out rate, they set examples which can lead to positive attitudes, influence is seen and boundaries are set.