Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Aduqin Sumu? Are you interested in teaching English in Tongliao Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Aduqin Sumu - Tongliao Shi
Think back to the teachers you have had throughout the years. Some may stick out to you more than others: for what reasons? One may think of the greatest teacher(s) they have had and for others, some of the worst teachers. When I think of my favorite teachers, those that come to mind are professors that cared about my education, who made the classroom a fun, learning experience, and those that always seemed to have their stuff together. I also think of those teachers I was not so fond of. Those that seemed like they didn’t care whether I passed or failed, or even showed up to class. Teachers range in all shapes and sizes however, there are certain attributes that make a great teacher, reasons that those certain instructors stuck in our minds. An exceptional teacher should hold the following qualities empathetic, enthusiastic and organized. Empathy is the most important quality that a teacher may possess. Empathy is important because a great teacher must care about the learning of their students. Without caring about whether or not a student learns, the teacher serves little purpose. Empathy is crucial when teaching a foreign or second language because sometimes it is not easy. Students may lack confidence or feel unsure of them when learning a new language. If the teacher has empathy for their students, it may give more confidence in the students, allowing them to feel comfortable to learn, which is the goal of the teacher. Not only is empathy important to help build confidence in students, enthusiasm is another vital trait for a teacher’s personality. A teacher must have an enthusiastic personality. That does not mean that a teacher must be super out going and doesn’t ever stop talking. What it means is that it is important for a teacher to be enthusiastic about their work and their students. If the teacher is enthusiastic about their work this will show through the success of their students. The teacher will make sure they take the time to make the lesson plans fun and exciting, including interactive, yet educational games, activities and even quizzes. They will strive to ensure the students are engaged and having fun. The teacher’s confidence and passion will allow students to feel that they can build a relationship with their teacher. Having a rapport with students is crucial for a teacher. Enthusiasm is also essential for a teacher because if one is enthusiastic about their work, they will never stop learning how to be a better teacher themselves. This opens the gate for a teacher to evaluate himself or herself, to aid in improving their teaching skills. With a lack of enthusiasm in a teacher’s work, there lacks motivation for both the teacher and students, and will effect their overall outcome of success. Lastly, having an organized personality will lead the way for a successful teacher. Organization is imperative to a teacher’s personality. There are many reasons for this. First, the teacher sets the scene for the rules, respect and guidelines of the classroom. If a teacher is constantly showing up to the class late and unprepared, the students will follow suit. Furthermore, a teacher who comes to the class early, and is prepared for the lesson, could take time chatting with the students, warming them up to speaking English. Not only that, they can also take this time to build a rapport with the students. Teachers need to be organized in the lesson plans as well. Writing an outline of what the class will consist of, what the learning objectives are, and what foreseen problems may arise, will give the teacher a sense of ease when teaching the class. Preparing, in advance, what the teacher will write on the white board and where, with what colors, is another example of when a teacher needs to be organized. There are the teaching aids and class materials that a teacher needs to be aware of as well. Having all of these prepared and planned ahead of time show the students that the teacher takes time to think their ideas through and in turn, hopefully allows the student to take the class seriously as well. As you can see there are many things a teacher must consider when teaching a class. How can a teacher connect with the students? They can by having empathy for them, for understanding their situation in learning a new language. Teachers that are enthusiastic with their work will encourage students. Being an organized teacher shows the student that the teacher cares about their students and their success in learning English. Therefore, having traits such as empathy, enthusiasm, and organizational skills will allow not only the instructor, but the students to thrive in the classroom as well.