Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Yangluo KAifAqu? Are you interested in teaching English in Wuhan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Yangluo KAifAqu - Wuhan Shi
ONLINE OR ON-SITE TEFL/ TESOL CERTIFICATE , WHICH ONE SHOULD YOU GET ? TEFL/TESOL stands for Teaching English as a foreign language, whether you are a native speaker which means you are born in an English-speaking country or a non-native speaker which means you are not, you can get a TEFL certificate in order to be a certified English teacher. It's a certificate for those who wish to teach English as a second language with minimal or no teaching experience. Students who wish to learn English as a second language are known as ELLs which stands for English Language learners. The number of people who wish to learn English is increasing every year, that’s why the need of certified English-speakers is on the rise day by day. Out of 7.5 billion people living on earth, almost 1.5 billion speak English which is 20 % of the world’s population, only 360 million of them speak it as their mother tongue which makes English language the most commonly studied language in the entire world. For that reason, the demand for certifications like TEFL certificate has been significantly high to ensure better teaching and better education. Having a TEFL certificate is very important when it comes to negotiating salary and it opens up many job opportunities. It would definitely make its holder a favorite candidate. There are many different types of TEFL certificate with different contents and for different purposes whether you want it for teaching adults, teenagers or children but the most common way to acquire the certificate is either through online or on-site. After you choose the type of certificate you need according to your requirement, you will be given the choice of finishing the course online or on-site. The online certificate has a very distinctive advantage which is flexibility. Naturally online certificate means that you have the ability to access the course material from anywhere, anytime as long as you have an internet connection. Which is perfect for those who won’t be able to attend the course locally, are travelling during the course duration, or are unable to stay in one place throughout the course duration. Convenience factor especially for people who are working at the same time as the course duration. Online courses are self-paced so when it comes to completing and finishing the online course it’s really up to the English speaker, which is really convenient if the English speaker wishes to acquire the certificate as fast as possible. On the other hand, online courses have some downsides including the independency. The English speaker is on his own, trying to finish the course with no face-to-face encounters with other English speakers who share the same goal of teaching and living abroad. This would take most of the fun out of the course since the English speaker won’t be able to meet new people or be able to share experience with anyone. Even though every English speaker would have a personal tutor to advise them on any inquiries regarding the course, this is not as productive as face-to-face interactions. Choosing an on-site program on the other hand would be all about cultural immersion, learning and having fun simultaneously. Taking a TEFL certificate abroad is the best way to efficiently learn teaching methodologies and practices, since they offer on-hand and in-the-classroom practices with real students. From these practices, an English speaker can overcome discomfort and inexperience when it comes to teaching. Besides, it gives the English speaker a useful practical teaching time since the English speaker is given a useful productive feedback from the on-site courses’ instructors. The English speaker can also learn all about teaching methodologies and practices from the online courses. However, it won’t be as efficient as the on-site programs. Cost is the most important factor when it comes to choosing the right program for every English speaker, and when it comes to on-site programs, it’s a major drawback. The English speaker has to be able to afford accommodation, transportation including flight tickets and food. These expenses are really difficult especially if the English speaker is choosing a full-time course, not to mention having a job and a full-time course simultaneously would be dreadful. On-site courses can also be stressful and agonizing for some English speakers especially for those with no teaching experience, because of the practical teaching time and face-to-face interactions with real students. In conclusion ; when it comes to choosing the right course for the right purpose and choosing the right way to acquire it, is all up to the English speakers themselves. Neither the online courses nor the on-site programs are perfect. Both of them have their ups and downs. Sure, the on-site programs seem fun and productive, but also, gives the English speakers constraints when it comes to acquiring the certificate quickly. While on the other hand, online courses are flexible, and they are more wallet-friendly since there are no extra expenses like in on-site programs. References • • • •