Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Guangyilong Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Wulanchabu Shi — Ulanqab? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Guangyilong Zhen - Wulanchabu Shi — Ulanqab
Teaching in itself is already a rewarding profession but when it comes to teaching EFL to kindergartens, it involves a special energy and a series of challenging tasks for the teacher. Although teaching young learners English can be difficult, EFL Kindergarten teachers are inspired and fulfilled from their job as it is a unique privilege to be teaching youngsters their most likely first foreign language. In order to assume this role, the teacher needs to understand children in order build rapport with them, then plan and execute activities suitable for their age, while understanding how to manage the classroom through effective discipline. When it comes to building rapport with kindergartners, it is first important to understand that these are young kids full of energy and curiosity. Thus, it is extremely important for teachers to come into the classroom ready to interact with them with liveliness. For example, it is recommended for teachers to be ready to interact with kids by kneeling next to them and speak in more a high-toned exaggerated voice. During building rapport, it is recommended for teachers to carry out activities where the students can get to know each other and the teacher. For example, games like Hot Potato where the teacher can pass the ball around and have students introduce themselves. Other activities involving students talking about themselves are good ways to start building rapport with them. When rapport is built, the teacher can now start teaching them using the method of Engage, Study, Activate. During these planned activities, it is very important for teachers to use lots of visual aids, videos, and interactive material because Kindergarten students tend to have a shorter attention span. Therefore, during these activities, it is crucial for the teacher to use lots of repetition and give countless of positive reinforcement for the children. These planned activities can include singing songs such as English nursery rhymes, art projects such as creating their own zoo while labeling animals in English, active English games such as hangman. During activities, classroom management and discipline is also very important because sometimes the children can get out of hand. During these times, it is vital for the teacher not to start yelling at the child causing trouble and not to send threats to them. Instead, the teacher must deal with each child with patience, not "favoriting" one child over another. If a student craves for attention, the teacher can use methods where the teacher asks the student to help her collect homework and other tasks. The teacher can also reorganize classroom dynamics by having the children change different groups during different activities. With established rapport, well-planned out activities, and effective discipline, the teacher can teach EFL to kindergartens. During my time at USC, I was had the privilege to join a club called Teach for LA, where we went to underprivileged elementary schools to teach English. I was given the opportunity to teach English to young Hispanic children. I first was able to build rapport with them by playing a get to know you hot potato game. Then, through a series of planned activities such as showing interactive videos, singing, playing hangman, presentations, I was able to teach them English. The students were extremely adorable as they often came to class full of energy with unquenchable curiosity. I look forward to teaching this age group in the future.