Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Huangyangcheng Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Wulanchabu Shi — Ulanqab? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Huangyangcheng Zhen - Wulanchabu Shi — Ulanqab
The teacher's figure is a complex figure, it can be wrongly seen as a job, an easy job, in the first place what concerned parents and, sometimes schools too, is his/her surface which shows a series of facets which bring the attention upon the teacher’s training, competences and education mostly. In fact, most of the time, parents are more worried about the teacher’s knowledge level, or his/her title of study, or his/her updating or degrees. Don’t get me wrong, a good teacher should have all of this titles and requirements, but very often a good level of knowledge doesn’t mean he/she is a good teacher. Those parents entrust the construction of part of a knowledge of their children to a person that barely known and what most of the parents underestimate, and which I consider is the most profound characteristic of a good teacher, is his/her quality to communicate with the students and transmit his/her knowledge. A good teacher is not the one who knows everything, but the one who is able to transmit, get the students exited to learn, be passionate and involve their students, the one who is capable of setting up the desire to lear in them. Sometime is quite difficult to see those qualities in a teacher, it’s harder to teach those qualities to a person who wants to become a teacher, most of all because requires empathy, and empathy is something that you already have inside and it cannot be taught. Trying to have those qualities force the teacher to work on his/her own process of self-criticism and self-judgment, force him/her constantly to do self soul searching, to call into question of his/her own ability and to analyze his/her behavior which wouldn’t have a negative effect or damage the relationship with his/her students. Is not random, indeed, that the relationship between the student and his/her teacher affects the school performance, and above all has a deeply influence on the school adaptation of the child. In the first years of school, in fact, the teacher establishes a deeply relationship with the child, becoming almost a parent’s substitute. The teacher is the person the child will see more often and with more regularity after their parents, especially in small age, is the person which will have most of the relationship and for this reason the teacher has a big responsibility to their students. He/She must avoid to put in action the ‘self esteem-destroying' machine damaging his/her student and bring him/her to hate school, bring him/her to not care to build his/her knowledge and destroying his/her social relationship. The english teacher role, can be considered a marginal role compared to the others teachers in a foreign school, but I think that in the reality we live in today the knowing of the english language is a fundamental brick in the construction of a knowledge aimed at making the student ready to face and handle the school of life. To known a second language today, especially the english language is fundamental and help, the student before and the person after, to have the possibility to make more choices, in the work life or in the personal life and to build relationship with every person upon the english understanding limit, give them the opportunity to travel and open their fiscal and metal horizon. The best teacher is the one who is able to talk to their student with heart and brain, he/she knows how to bond them to study and knows how to connect it with the school of life. Even if is teaching a foreign language and will probably have more difficulties to explain complex concepts or higher thoughts -just because is teaching in a different language- the english teacher has the possibility to talk about every topic and his/her job is to communicate in the best way that he/she can, and at the same time teaching english. He/She has the opportunity to be a fluid teacher. Looks like a utopia, but the start is knowing what you should do and once you know it, you can work it on! This is what a good teacher should bring in his/her classroom. Schools and classes shouldn’t be a places where students feel to be measured, weighed, judged and found missing, but should be a place where a good teacher is able to understand his/her students’ characteristics, exalt them, motivate the curiosity and involve who has more difficulties, find the wright path to create a united class which is also together in work, transforming students of today in people of tomorrow capable to live in a community and enriching this one.