Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Hexi Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xiangxi Tujiazu Miaozu Zizhizho? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Hexi Zhen - Xiangxi Tujiazu Miaozu Zizhizho
English learning is mostly thought by many is the sole role of the teacher to help build the skills and development and so many parents tend to neglect a lot as learning a language which is new and foreign might not necessarily be of importance to the parents and thus find no interest in it but that’s is not so as based on personal teaching experience especially dealing with students( examples based on children) because adult learners are more motivated and have made the decision to learn themselves that notwithstanding student leaving with parents some of the points below may still apply to them the role of the parent is of so much importance as it is through them and teachers, personal productive skills are being developed in cases were ENGLISH isn’t the student first language and learning English as a secondary or second language. For parents to be able to help young learners better acquire this skill they have to as well have had ideas about English itself or have gone through EFL lessons can speak or write language as the baseline for aid in English skill development. How the parent can motivate, encourage and promote young learners? Have knowledge of the language itself. Assuming homework which is a basic part of the learning English process are given and neither parents have a clue of either writing reading or speaking English (productive and receptive skills), and the young learner not able to read write or identify the purpose of the homework after haven being explained in class. Who helps the child after the teacher isn’t around or promotes use of language and do corrections for grammatical errors. It is not entirely obliged the parents most know English fully but at least should be able to read so he or she can help assist with such activities like home works or school projects and promote skills both productive and receptive Ensure exposure and provision of materials to learners. The more the child is exposed to materials videos (English learning cartons, kid English learning videos etc.), textbooks, workbooks other English materials which could be gotten from teachers or kid stores like color games or word games and more. Over the year’s scientific research and studies has proven that it is easy for children or humans in general to retain more of what they have seen that heard and can easily retain and remember when triggered by an activity or event similar to what they have seen. For cases of slow learners if language acquisition is low the parent could find private teachers to double teach or repeat lessons in most cases use same teacher because the child might be exposed to opposite or different teaching skills which might get them confused or slow the pace of learning. English should be often used and promoted even back at home not just at schools as repetitive use will create more awareness and better acquisition both spoken Do proper follow up to ensure learner has been enrolled in a school where English is being taught well, enough materials, proper school management and good study programs. Visit school or study areas to ensure child is properly attended to, know child weaknesses and strength (by consulting the teacher or school supervisory board) and know their level and progress. Through all this follow up parent can be sure their children are being taught well and also language acquisition is assured. Back at home parent check books to verify for homework is been given , encourage study, help children in doing homework’s and make sure is properly done and done correctly and corrected by the teacher. Motivate child. Child motivation or encouragement is not only the job of the teacher as a bright and happy child will be more interested and acquire language better. Child motivation can be done by parents through several ways y giving tips for good performance, when work has been done or English spoken correctly give them treats, applauds or something so they know every progress is great makes the parents happy and in turn beneficial to them as well. Last but not least parents should make sure children have proper rest have fun activities to enroll in like playing with other friends also of the same interest in English, expose them to studying with friends and other classmates and should get use to a lot of English articles this mostly applies to adult learners. Adult learners some of the role above also apply but in most cases the parent role is more less not important as reasons for study might be of a personal reasons or schooling abroad and their motivations are higher and interest is more in magnitude than young learners who can’t have reasons or motives for why they are studying English. But nevertheless the PARENTS roles in helping to learn English is almost as IMPORTANT as that of the teacher as both working together endlessly will greatly impact the learning process and language acquisition proper might be fast and more practical both out of school and in school