Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in GAoshibei Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xiantao, Tianmen, Qianjiang & S? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in GAoshibei Zhen - Xiantao, Tianmen, Qianjiang & S
Learning a new language is not an easy task, regardless of the age it is learned at, and with the globalization of the English language there are more and more people faced with the challenge of learning English to better their lives. English is known as one of the most difficult languages to learn due to its irregularities, and therefore requires a variety of different techniques to be applied in the classroom to help students learn the language better. Even though adult and young learners are both learning the same things, the learning process for both groups can be quite different. In a young learners classroom it is common to use many physical activities, games and visual aids. In a classroom with a younger age group, learning is more successful if the students have fun learning the concepts. The use of songs is also common in a young learners classroom, as it uses repetition to help their memory with concepts. For example, the use of a tidy up song explaining where everything goes is useful as it teaches students common names of objects, as well as reminds them when they hear the melody to begin to tidy things where they should go. The use of visual aids in a young learners classroom is also imperative as it introduces new vocabulary in a way that can be directly associate in their minds with their native language to allow connections to be made. The use of games in a young learners classroom is especially important to use in a young learners classroom because it allows the students to get up and move, as well as have some fun while learning. In a young learners classroom it is important to remember to make activities shorter and to switch things up often to reduce the possibility of students becoming bored in the classroom. This will also reduce the chances of students being disruptive, as they will be occupied with activities. The use of games is helpful because it allows for a fun change in the classroom, and using a physical game can help the students get some of their bursts of energy out. In an adult learners classroom it is much more common to use activities that are not as physical or energetic as those used in a young learners classroom. This is due to different maturity levels; as well as adult learners typically do not need as much stimulation to remain focused in the lesson. However, the use of visual aids, and games are still helpful in the classroom. As mentioned previously, the learning process is more successful for students if they had fun learning concepts. However, in an adult classroom the games would be a little more “sophisticated” instead of physical like they would be in a young learners classroom. In an adult classroom, the use of visual aids such as menus from restaurants are interesting to students as it is real world experience and the students feel motivated to learn because it is almost like “real world” experience. The use of repetition techniques is also still important in this learning environment, however instead of using songs it could be based as a drilling exercise instead. In either classroom, it is important to incorporate activities that each group of students would enjoy, to ensure a successful learning environment. There are many different resources that can be used in the classroom to make things more fun and interesting for different age groups. Although they are very different age groups and learning environments, they are still learning the same concepts and lessons can be adjusted to the age group required.