Teach English in Xiliuhe Zhen - Xiantao, Tianmen, Qianjiang & S

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Xiliuhe Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xiantao, Tianmen, Qianjiang & S? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

I firmly believe that as a non- English speaker it wouldn't hurt to make friends in the classroom. and besides it would be very advantageous for both parties too. There are a lot of reason why an individual is hesitant to approach their fellow classmate. He/she could be self-conscious, intimidated to engage because he/she is not confident of their English ability, they are afraid to approach just because they are too shy. That's why Teachers role is very crucial in breaking that barrier. Simple activity such as engaging students to talk and think about a certain topic, Playing games would be a good start to make the students be more comfortable with their fellow classmate and continuous discussion among them will follow. Teachers can also facilitate group activities to motivate shy students to engage. it would be nice if a shy student can be friend to a very engaging classmate and that student can influence him/her to learn English better. practicing in speaking English with a person that you are comfortable with is a great start in honing your English ability. just a simple informal conversation will help,(like talking about their favorite food). if the student is well motivated and have the goal to really be fluent in Speaking, Writing, Comprehending in English that would be a good reason why they need to make friends in the classroom. although with our technology there are a lot of resources wherein you can learn English but nothing beats the activity of practicing it with someone especially when your at school. It also applies when your at home although your family members don't speak English. it could be a good opportunity to practice with them the lesson that they had learned from school. Practice makes perfect. Fun communication will also engage the students to participate and therefore they are building a friendly relationship. Having friends in the classroom makes you feel that you belong to the group. and having friend is a part of life. being isolated in the classroom won't do good personally. having friend in the classroom especially in a large group will be a big help as both of you can interact and study together and can ask questions comfortably. although having friends can influence a person in two ways (good and bad way) but it is up to that person to decide where the wall ends when it comes to friendship. if the student is having a hard time coping with the lesson having a friend in the classroom can help them understand the lesson better in a manner on how he/she understands the lesson. but i think the teacher should be present to listen. just to make sure that what he or she is teaching with their classmate is correct. Making friends in the classroom can partially give the students a motivation to come to class. just because they are excited to see them again and chat with them and learn together. Every persons character are unique in every way. therefore there might be a number of solitary student in class. and it would take while for them to come out of their shell. but in the end it's all about their desire to learn that matters.