Teach English in Liuji Zhen - Xiaogan Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Liuji Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xiaogan Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

Classroom is the place where the students spend big part of their life. Building safety and organized classroom environment is very important task for the teacher. Many researchers explored problems of classroom management to create a safety classroom for the students and to establish rules of conduct. Classroom management includes all organizational and procedural and control measurement in the classroom. Usually this is a wide range of actions, which teacher make and maintains conditions facilitating the effective learning of the classroom. This is a long process, involving and motivating students to participate in the lesson so teacher can have a feedback of the student’s activities. The ability of classroom management is very important for teacher’s success. Also it is criteria for teacher’s proficiency. Research shows that classroom management is the main source of stress, related with teacher’s carrier. It’s combination of techniques and ability of teacher to organize and manage behavior of the students in the classroom. Applying different strategies and methods in the classroom are necessary and also it is a way teacher to learn and feel satisfied from job. Teacher creates rules, routines, instructions, and expectations so they can control the classroom. Teacher often have a good discipline strategies that create well-organized classroom environment. Successful teacher knows that classroom must be stimulating and inviting and their aim is to help students to reach the highest possible level of achievement. Teacher will spend less time in disciplining and more time in learning when there is a good management plan. Many new teachers often have problems with classroom management because of their inadequate techniques or inappropriate behavior in the classroom. To avoid this chaos in the classroom teachers should have a good classroom management plan with specific rules and different strategy to manage the classroom. The accent of the classroom management is to understand the behavior of the students. Classroom management includes teacher’s effort to manage the classroom including student’s behavior and training. The basic view is that unacceptable behavior can be avoided when needs are met. When the focus is on the choice, students are motivated and positive. Many good teachers can prevent all behavioral problems by keeping students interested in learning by using classroom materials and activities. Success in classroom management depends on the teacher, teacher’s personality, activity and teaching style. Students learn best when they know what is expected of them, and what they can expect from the teacher. Students follow the rules and routines and focus better in learning lesson when teacher use effective classroom management. Such management is important and needed because optimize student’s achievement and studying in an orderly learning environment. That is the reason why student achievement depends from the effectiveness of their teacher in the classroom. Teacher should have a good discipline plan that will create an effective well-organized classroom environment. Classroom management is difficult task that requires teacher to work hard and continuously for maintaining of the positive learning environment. Research show that classroom management is complicated dialogue process which depends from the context. Classroom management is extremely important because it is increasing student’s success by creating a positive learning environment. Usually teachers want to maximize training results and to decrease discipline problems in creating safe environment. Relationships between teacher and students are the most important component. One important part of the classroom management is respect and trust between teacher and student. Classroom management is very important for the effectiveness and quality of the learning process. Also is considered to be a function of organizational systems, providing for the preservation of a certain structure maintaining and regulating the state of the system of the realization of the learning process and goals. The main functions of the teacher in the classroom management are planning, organizing, coordinating, motivating and controlling. These functions are very important and necessary for the effective learning environment in the classroom. Classroom management involves actions taken by the teacher to establish order to engage students or ensure their cooperation, including all organizational and cultural measurement to control the process in the classroom. Providing an appropriate classroom environment is requirement for achieving effective learning. Classroom management is collection of different approaches and methods that teachers use to create a positive school environment. Essential in classroom management process are the individual characteristics and abilities of the students. Creating a positive mental climate in the classroom has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the students and teachers. Building an effective learning environment involves organizing classroom activities, teaching and physically organizing the environment to minimize behavioral problems and disorganization. The relationship between teacher and student is crucial in mastering student knowledge and skills. Every classroom needs rules and established order to function effectively. Classroom management is important and needed because is the most important teacher’s aim that’s creating and keeping a positive learning environment. A lack of management in the classroom can cause stress and chaos which can create and negative learning environment for the students and unsatisfactory work environment for the teacher. Therefore, it is important to use effective classroom management strategies. Classroom management is needed because it is a main part of effective teaching. When teacher create a positive learning environment than effective teaching will take place. In fact, classroom management is the key to success in any classroom and is the most influential factor in the quality of learning and student achievement. References: Nikolaeva, S. Classroom management Brainard, E. Classroom management Everston C.& Weinstein C. Classroom management