Teach English in BAyantalA Zhen - Xilinguole Meng — Xilin Gol

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(113) How to set up a friendly relationship if students don´t get along with each other 1) Orientation Walk: know our “ground” and let´s get started It is important to set some class rules from the very beginning. That´s what I like to call “rules of the road” . And from day one we must present and all agree with them. rules of the road: -Punctuality , it gives a clear statement of order and respect. While unpunctuality, in the other hand gives open way to disruption in the classroom. Be aware that usually at the beginning and end of a class session is when most conflicts occur. -Teamwork, I like to call it “WE-work-together” -Flexibility, go with the flow. Let the students know that there will be things they shall like more and other less. Give yourself time and give others the time and possibility to understand and learn. Let´s all learn to be less anxious. -Feedback, we share our different views with a positive attitude -Companionship , help and care for each other in the class group. -Tolerance , accept differences and praise them. Finally, last but not least: -Respect , which summarizes all of the above. Respect yourself and respect others. Also I find it nice and interactive, to ask them, my class what other rules may they suggest, or should we add to the list. This will make them feel part of the deal and of something of which we will all agree on. 2) Along the Way: Class Route Some other points will help us, as teachers, to overcome with conflict. We can start from the fact that conflict in the classroom can be seen not as a problem, but as an opportunity to strive , and build-up a more cohesive group. There are a few strategies, we can work and many we have seen along the TEFL course as well. Pre-planning a class, and having a plan-B. We always have to look ahead. Observe and plan extra content in order to avoid remaining downtime during class. In my case I bear in mind what youtube or music video, or presentation should come along with that day. Not to exceed five minutes. Also avoid monotonous speaking. Classes should be taught not by explaining, but by narrating . there is no better way to lower the disruption of conflict than by telling stories and anecdotes that are related to the class subject. As one of the biggest problems of a conflict class is the lack of attention and concentration of the group. Visibly talk and do it on the move with slow movements . Students will follow you much better. You may approach the most disruptive students and speak right next to them, but not to them. Speak to the group. I like to sit right on the edge of the table while talking to the class (without looking directly at them). We have to let them know we care about them, and the class. We are aware and alert. Always clear and firm on our thoughts and decisions. We can set up a friendly environment , search always for points in common, of understanding, empathizing with the others . Let them know that at school we learn forms of socialization, work as a team, together, and we do so by the evident day-by day example. What we see. That´s why very important how we respond, as grown-up and teachers, to conflict. A conflict of one person does not exist, it has to be two or more (“it takes two to tango!”) Therefore we had to be attentive, identify conflict, and deactivate it. Never taking sides, listening and being impartial. 3) A positive way to solution We should let the parts identify their emotion first. Let them realize why they are angry, upset or why they act in such a way. What emotion they are actually feeling, experimenting. And Why. Let them express by writing or drawing , what´s bothering them. Once done, we let them destroy or eliminate that negative emotion. The emotion itself not the other part in conflict. We have to make him/her identify, frame and see the context. Let them know that all the social spaces we live on, are not the same. There are rules and norms we should follow. We have to be blunt and firm, not angry. Use dialogue and let them understand The class, the other students we all are a group, so there are limits and consequences to our acts. Let them know school is a social area, an area of social interaction and experimentation, a friendly space to interact with others. We should keep in mind that in school is where he/she may make mistakes (in order to learn) , not outside. Learn how to keep calm, stop, think, and re-think, count to 10 or more. , think with clarity, take a minute or two to stop and think with clarity. Reflect on what s bothering and what would they like to ask the other person in conflict to solve this particular quarrel. Search for points they might have in common. Learn how to talk looking into their eyes. show empathy, take turns to talk, search for solutions in a collaborative way, like a win-win situation. Both make an agreement. 4) Experience / Let´s Unite in the Class Some ways of keeping a nice well prepared, and friendly cohesive group In class. I particularly like various techniques. Like role-playing. Such as doing like a UN (united nations) class, Embassy/travel situations (with different countries implied), Airport or Hotel customer service situations. Set groups of work , interactive. Not always the same students in each group. Pairing different students for work and doing a “find things about your partner”, interview him as a rock-star o film star, scientist , politician, do a News-Profile. Play Super-hero, invent your own superpowers and get a partner to help you ( like Batman-Robin/ Supergirl-Superman) or Be the genius in the lamp, or Aladdin and ask /give 3 wishes, If you were a millionaire what should you do?. Do a Cooking class together, Spots fan and even as a united class group we can find and do a charity/donation all together. 5) A happy Destination for all: Conclusion In fact there are many , many teamwork and class activities to bring a class and students together. Let them realize we are all different , and the joy and good thing of being different (what a bore would it be if we were all the same!) but , in the other hand we all have the same rights. Look up for things in common. Concord, peace and understanding of the great variety of cultures (in an different culture/ethnic/mixed class). It will all make a cohesive group where camaraderie and even friendship prevails.