Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in GAorihan Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xilinguole Meng — Xilin Gol? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in GAorihan Zhen - Xilinguole Meng — Xilin Gol
In many instances, a TEFL certification is not needed to teach English abroad. The Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF), for example, does not require its applicants to have one. Nevertheless, there are a number of reasons why prospective EFL teachers should complete a TEFL course, even if it is not mandatory to do so. For one, TEFL courses tend to be quite affordable. According to BridgeTEFL, online TEFL courses generally range from $150 to $1,500 USD, depending on the length of the course ( While certain courses are more expensive than others (on-site courses, for example, can cost up to $2,500 USD), the investment yields significant returns. TEFL-certified teachers are not only qualified for more, better-paid jobs, but have a competitive advantage over their uncertified peers. Take, for example, the TAPIF program: Although a TEFL certification is not required, having one shows that an applicant “has studied the theory and pedagogy behind teaching English to speakers of other languages, and that [the applicant] may also already have TEFL/ESL classroom experience” ( For as little as $150, a TEFL course ensures the credentials and/or experience needed to access more employment opportunities. Many TEFL programs also offer lifetime job assistance. International TEFL Academy, for example, not only gives TEFL graduates access to job postings, but provides a job search manual, interview tips, and referrals to prospective employers ( By completing a TEFL course, then, prospective teachers are nearly guaranteed job security - a privilege that uncertified individuals are less likely to enjoy. TEFL courses also come with an array of teaching resources. From sample lesson plans to roleplay cards, many TEFL programs offer materials that can be tweaked or reused, or simply serve as references. TEFL materials may additionally contain classroom management strategies, troubleshooting advice, and information on different age groups and language levels, which can help teachers tailor their lessons to students’ needs. By pursuing a TEFL certification, teachers have a repertoire of tried-and-true tools at their disposal. Not only do these resources enable them to create engaging, level-appropriate lessons, they help boost teachers’ confidence in the classroom, and give them the skills to accommodate diverse groups of students. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, TEFL courses ensure that teachers have the necessary expertise to teach English to speakers of other languages. In a TEFL course, participants receive rigorous training in English grammar, pronunciation, and phonology, and are given strategies to teach a variety of language points (verb tenses, for example, or the difference between countable and uncountable nouns). A TEFL certification, therefore, is a significant asset. By completing a TEFL course, teachers become knowledgeable, trustworthy resources, and are therefore better able to serve their students. In conclusion, there are many reasons why prospective EFL teachers should complete a TEFL course. For a low price, TEFL courses not only increase a teacher’s marketability, but help them secure employment. TEFL courses also give teachers the resources they need to be effective, versatile educators, and ensure that they are reliable experts in their craft. In short, prospective EFL teachers should pursue a TEFL certification because it does both themselves and their students a favor. By expanding their knowledge and their opportunities, TEFL courses prepare teachers to work in a variety of contexts and circumstances, and help them give their students the quality education they deserve. References: “Does International TEFL Academy Provide Job Assistance?” International TEFL Academy, accessed January 27, 2020. “How Much Does TEFL certification Cost? Is It Worth It?” BridgeTEFL (blog), January 2, 2019, accessed January 25, 2020. “Teaching Assistant Program in France: Frequently Asked Questions.” Cultural Services of the French Embassy in the United States (Higher Education), accessed January 24, 2020.