Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Ahu Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.
Teach English in Ahu Zhen - Xuzhou Shi
My personal work experience with teaching English as a second language takes me back 14 years ago. I initially started working with a group of nurses who were to travel abroad for training and since the training was to be instructed in English, their basic English conversational skills were required to be leveled up to be able to participate in a classroom. What I worked with them at the time was conversational English. I introduced role play to the class, along with daily words they were to use when conversing with people from other countries, assuming they all spoke English. It was a 3 months course, the beginning was focused on daily conversation vocabulary words with that the role play activities enabled them to further build their vocabulary and speaking capacity. The second phase of the program was when I introduced a course book that had content exercises, that were mostly done on their own, and we would share answers. At this point, there was no way that I could assess the language learners having not been a certified teacher yet. However, 4 years later I would graduate in linguistics and English Language Teaching and again land a job and this time at a university teaching English as a second language. This time around I used methods that worked for the subcontinent I was working in. the Grammar Translation Method. Many people would argue that it’s out dated and no longer in use, but for reason or not, in south Asia the grammar translation method works. This time around the students were starting to memorize the grammar tools, and thus creating sentences on their own which were more so correct. But the construction of the sentences were done correctly on paper. When speaking was required, it took them a fairly long time to process the L1 to L2, and thus many mistakes were made done during this time. Having seen that when it came to spoken language they required more of a drill class, a repetition of sentences so that once the pattern and sequence of the construction of few common sentences where drilled in them, they seemed able to converse correctly, but a lot of time had been taken to revert back to a question or to ask a question, in addition to it showed that this did not make much of a difference when it came to further constructions of sentences. Which lead me to asking the learners to start reading articles and books, and re-write what they had read, this would enable them to memorize the structure. After some time, they were ask to re-write the story they had read in their own words. This practice had seemed to be harder for them to do, however, there were grave improvements. I have learnt that different age, culture and parts of the world matter when using a method in teaching ESL. Not all methods will work with all learners. There are other factors to put into consideration when designing a lesson or a course.