Teach English in Chenlou Zhen - Xuzhou Shi

Do you want to be TEFL or TESOL-certified and teach in Chenlou Zhen? Are you interested in teaching English in Xuzhou Shi? Check out ITTT’s online and in-class courses, Become certified to Teach English as a Foreign Language and start teaching English ONLINE or abroad! ITTT offers a wide variety of Online TEFL Courses and a great number of opportunities for English Teachers and for Teachers of English as a Second Language.

An important part of teaching is deciding what kind of evaluation to give students and how often to assess them. A student’s language level can be gauged through tutorials, evaluation by the students, and tests. If there is a large group of students, it may be unrealistic to try and conduct individual tutorials every class. If the class is on the larger side it may be useful to take a few minutes at the end of each week to review what was taught, the objective of the lessons, and how well the students performed. Giving the students a questionnaire asking them to evaluate their course can be useful in many ways. It can help the students develop an awareness of what is happening in the classroom, create a positive interaction between students and teacher, and most importantly help the teacher understand how the students react to what you are doing. More experienced teachers commonly give the student evaluation at the end of the course. Student evaluation can also be given halfway through if a less experienced teacher wants to asses how well the student is learning from their lessons. What is required from the school or the government, the teaching style of the individual, the level of the students, and the size of the class can all influence the type of test a teacher gives and when it is given. A placement test can be given at the beginning of a course to find out a student’s language ability, so he or she can be put in the appropriate class to their level of knowledge. Diagnostic tests are similar to placement tests, but they can be more in depth and help a teacher figure out what they need to prepare their lessons. Progress tests are used sporadically to find out what the students have learned and what they are having trouble with. Progress tests should be well balanced between speaking, listening, reading and writing. Practice tests are another tool that can be given before a test to prepare the student. It should follow the same format but not be verbatim. An achievement test is often given at the end of a course, or the end of the school year to see what the student has learned and the level they are at. There are many teachers who do not favor formal testing. Some believe that testing is not that great at evaluating the students as some people are just not good at formal tests. The teachers who are not in favor of formal testing believe that they spend the most time with their students and are more equipped to know the level of their students than a test is. Even if this was correct, most schools require the teacher to give formal tests. All in all, evaluation is not black and white. There are many different types of tests for many situations and each teacher needs to figure out what type of test to give, and when is the optimal time to give it.